whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oh it's so annoying when people are just really crap at their jobs! I always aim to be pretty efficient, repying to calls and emails within the hour and ensuring that everything is in place well in advance if I am training or attending an event. I have to admit I have very little patience when an event has been planned in what I can only assume was a rainy afternoon when nothing else was happening.

I have been invited to speak at an event tomorrow and in the last couple of days have also found out that I am required to run 2 workshops!! Normally this would be fine and I would just pull something out of the bag and get flipcharting away but it just takes the piss to be told at the last minute. Do these non planners deserve their wage for placing their sloppy practices onto those around them? rant over

I am so ready for xmas! let me clarify that, I am ready for the time off at xmas, I am ready to meet up with people I have not seen for a while but the whole process of xmas - the shopping, the seeing certain family members that you wish you didn’t have to, can really go and fuck itself. I am no scrooge but it's all a tad fake, bring on the lie ins and the relaxing.

It's been a while since I have been on the Sheffield Forum website, mainly because the chatty people on there have not said anything stupid for ages but today they have come up trumps, in a discussion about the self checkout system at tesco's, someone has said

"i cant work those machines,they look like space ships. i use a till where there is a human being to sort your shopping"

How difficult are they really?? It's in tesco for gods sake!

Next question - "Where can I buy a double mattress?"

It's a tricky one, It's on the tip of my tongue, ah yes a bed shop, I may be jumping to a conclusion but here is how I got there, a mattress goes on a bed and a bed shop sells beds! Ooh it's like the da vinci code!


Slightly scared by the new pics of Madonna, does look like her cheeks have been raised and they have chopped off the slack, sorry our gracious leader. I do love you really


Thursday, November 20, 2008

ok so I am not the most political person on the planet but I do know that politicians should generally be thinking about the big issues - health, education, the economy etc so why exactly are they even opening their gobs about something as trivial as "Strictly Come Dancing" - John Sergeant walked out of the show yesterday much to my extreme indifference - David cameron has been quoted as saying tha t he was “just devastated. Strictly will not be the same” and Peter Mandelson goes on to describe Sergeant as " the people’s John Travolta" - I for one feel safe that these men could one day be making the big decisions for our country. Lets just hope that Britain is not invaded on a saturday night primetime.

I am slightly annoyed that I am missing the gay pride parade that is "I'm a celeb" - Really want to see Martina Navratilova doing a bushtucker trial, its hardly a stretch for her though really considering the amount of bushes she has tucked into! Sorry but I could not resist that one.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hey hey hey

Well it has only taken me about 5 days to recover fro my birthday celebrations on friday, I can't remember much about the night apart from having a really good time. I can remember aspects of being in the edge bar in soho but popstarz is a blur, I remember dancing to Madonna and Cyndi Lauper so it must have been a good one. Thanks to everyone who made it out to celebrate with me

The rest of the weekend was not exactly sedate, spent most of saturday watching series 2 of ugly betty before heading out to the joiners arms in Hackney with Dan and Sam for another night of trashed stupidity. Again it's all a bit of a blur.

Sunday was a very lazy day, After the lovely dan headed back to Sheffield I dragged myself into town and spent my Zavvi voucher on a Keane Live DVD which is fantastic and series 2 of Gavin and Stacey which is just great, got home and watched the whole series from start to finish.

This week and every week recently have been crazy busy and I seem to not have much time to write this blog, hence the big gaps in entries but I shall try my best.

In gay news - the hilarious american comedienne Wanda Sykes has come out of the closet, I have seen Wanda several times on Ellen Degeneres Chat show and also guest starring in Will and Grace. She has always spoken passionately about gay rights and at the weekend she came out of the closet to say she got married to her female partner earlier this year! Go Wanda.

I'm a celebrity, get me out of here has started and although I don’t watch it I did hear that one of the blonde bimbo types was worried that she might be pregnant after eating a kangaroo testicle or something, this kind of stupid overpaid person should really be barred from society, no? I was also shocked to hear that Dani "I have not been on TV for years and when I was a presenter I had all the charisma of a day old airline salad" Behr is getting paid more than anyone, I don't understand what she has done to justify such a wage, she aint never won wimbledon that's for sure!

My evil plan to rid the world of Kerry Katona is slowly but surely coming together, she has been dropped from OK! Magazine and now MTV have shelved plans for her next reality show, all I need to do now is shove her in one of the freezers in Iceland and my evil/socially generous plan will be complete.

The Metropolitan Police are allowing a concert to go ahead this weekend by Ragga star Bounty Killer, despite his lyrics suggesting that people should "kill queers". Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell is leading the campaign to get the show cancelled stating

“A white racist singer who advocated killing black people would not be allowed to perform in London, even if he agreed to not incite the killing of black people at his concert.

“The police would argue that any stage performance by a white racist singer would risk public disorder and damage community cohesion. They would ban him, full stop. They have adopted this zero tolerance policy towards white racist bands like Skrewdriver.

“Yet when it comes to straight homophobic singers who urge the murder of gay people, the police take a softer stance. They have agreed to let the concert go ahead, despite their professed commitment to oppose homophobic hate crimes. It’s bare-faced hypocrisy.”

It's pretty rare that I wholeheartedly agree with Tatchell but this time he has my vote. I have emailed the Met police commissioner and the home secretary with my concerns about allowing this to go head and I urge you to do the same. commissioner@metpolice.uk and public.enquiries@homeoffice'gsi.gov.uk

As the rather marvellous Margaret Mead once said

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, Indeed it is the only thing that ever has"


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The jungle is gaying it forward!

Well today the "celebrities" that will be appearing in the new series of "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here" were announced and the gays are well and truly taking over. Brian Paddick, former Metropolitan police deputy assistant commissioner, was Liberal Democrat candidate for Mayor of London in May's election is going in as well as George Takei - aka Star Treks Mr Sulu who came out a few years ago and recently got married to his partner in California. I am most excited about the 3rd gay to be getting their hands dirty in the jungle - The iconic Martina Navratilova! I have always been a massive fan of hers, She came out when I was just a wee child and I always remember the remarkable amount of homophobia she faced from the media and sports but all she would do is go "whatever, game, set, match - give me another $1,000,000!" - She is truly an inspiration and I think she may well stand a good chance of winning, she is amazingly fit and very funny. The only drawback is that she has stated that she has never seen the show before and it might all be a bit too much.

Last night I had a much needed lazy night in, thanks go to Peter for getting me the complete collection of "Peep Show" on dvd, I had always watched the odd episode but never really sat down to watch a whole series, not sure how many I managed to get through last night but the show is genius!! David Mitchell is adorably clueless - Favourite line so far - his character gets stoned for the 1st time and starts getting worried about what effect it will have on him, asking his best mate "Oh god I am not going to do a poo am I?" love it

I have gone Keane crazy, I bought their new album at the weekend and cannot stop listening to it, lead singer Tom Chaplin's voice is amazing!! He used to be quite a porker but getting addcited to coke and going through rehab has turned him into a hottie going from this

to this

I am very impressed with Boyzone, I never thought I would type that but in their new video, they are all seen pairing off with a lover and Steven Gately is filmed with another guy, rightly so due to the fact that he is gay but it's a great step for a boyband to put themselves out there unapologetically.

Go gays!!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

32? A good dating age?

Well I am now 32 and have got to thinking - when I was in my mid to late 20's I always thought that I would like to go out with a 32 year old, I don't know why it just seemed like a good age, will I have lots of 20 somethings after me now? I am certainly willing to test this theory out and will let you know the results.

So much has been occuring since I last did a proper blog - Barack Obama is like totally president!! and that silly John McCain is nowhere to be seen thank god, otherwise ...


Sadly Proposition 8 went through and now marriage in California is defined as a union between a man and a woman, in other words same sex marriage has been banned, this does now mean that the 18,000 same sex marriages that have happened already will be annulled and legal experts do not think any action will be taken against same sex couples. It just amkes me very angry that this even happened - the religious right seem to be untouchable in their extreme views and challenging this status quo is almost unheard of. I am not going to get into the gays vs religion debate, I just think the world needs to realise that it is changing and we have to change with it for our children's sake, what future are we providing for them when some of us are blocking other's rights.

Onto happier news - My birthday yesterday was lovely and I went out for a lovely meal with some of my lovely friends who made the effort to come out on such a hideous soggy night. Now all eyes are on the big party on friday - I can't wait, loads of people have said they are coming and I think it's going to be a lush night.

The beautiful Steve Jones and the annoying Fearne Cotton have split up!!! He is back on the market - and if all goes according to plan by tomorrow morning he shall be mine, i tell you - MINE! mwa ha ha

Work has been crazy busy lately and I am proving to be quite in demand but that does mean that I am just feeling shattered all the time, tonight I am going to head home and have an early night as my body needs to prepare itself for friday and the battering it is surely going to get!



Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to me

Apologies yet again for lack of blog action but work has been crazy busy!! I will blog properly tomorrow

Well it's my birthday today and I am the grand old age of 32 - bit of a dreary monday to have a birthday but thankfully my overwhelming sense of glamour and sheer fabulousness has drowned out the rain.


Saturday, November 01, 2008

Oh Kerry Katona! You really are a bit of a cunt - in this week's OK! Magazine there is a short interview with the iceland peddling whore where she defends her infamous appearance on "This Morning" and states that she was not drunk and rarely drinks, but wait, what is that clamped to her gob in the photo - it's a glass of champagne!! You munter! Get off the television, out of all the newspapers and lock yourself away in your mock tudor mansion and never darken my eyes again!!

My hatred this week has mainly been focused on the media and there completely ignorant, biased and frankly stupid coverage of the Russell Brand/ Jonathan Ross extravaganza. Typical stupid, thick middle england big footed hobbit wankers phoning, writing and emailing about something that you never heard in the first place! it goes something like this

" I'm really annoyed?"

"what about?"

"That call that Ross and Brand made to that lovely ye olde one hit wonder comedian, it was downright outrageous"

"what exactly did they say during the call?"

"I don't have a clue but I read in the Daily Mail that it was very rude, I don't pay my license fee to (not)listen to that kind of (alleged) filth"

Yeah ok - it was a serious lack of thinking and it should never have been aired but for fuck's sake just take a breath and get over it!! I do agree that Jonathan Ross can sometimes be annoying but he is genuinely a very funny guy and very watchable in my personal opinion and I do love Russell Brand but to banish them from the airwaves for this?? C'mon!

I have spent the last few days in Glasgow at a conference and have to say that if I ever leave the London, Scotland is where I will be heading, not for the scenic lochs and mountains and all that fresh air, No simply for the fact that Scottish men sound so hot! I know it's shallow but that's just the level I work at - lower than a worms tit.

I so wish I watched TV, must get that sorted soon!! Mainly due to this pic of Richard Armitage in this weeks episode of "Spooks"
