whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Oh Kerry Katona! You really are a bit of a cunt - in this week's OK! Magazine there is a short interview with the iceland peddling whore where she defends her infamous appearance on "This Morning" and states that she was not drunk and rarely drinks, but wait, what is that clamped to her gob in the photo - it's a glass of champagne!! You munter! Get off the television, out of all the newspapers and lock yourself away in your mock tudor mansion and never darken my eyes again!!

My hatred this week has mainly been focused on the media and there completely ignorant, biased and frankly stupid coverage of the Russell Brand/ Jonathan Ross extravaganza. Typical stupid, thick middle england big footed hobbit wankers phoning, writing and emailing about something that you never heard in the first place! it goes something like this

" I'm really annoyed?"

"what about?"

"That call that Ross and Brand made to that lovely ye olde one hit wonder comedian, it was downright outrageous"

"what exactly did they say during the call?"

"I don't have a clue but I read in the Daily Mail that it was very rude, I don't pay my license fee to (not)listen to that kind of (alleged) filth"

Yeah ok - it was a serious lack of thinking and it should never have been aired but for fuck's sake just take a breath and get over it!! I do agree that Jonathan Ross can sometimes be annoying but he is genuinely a very funny guy and very watchable in my personal opinion and I do love Russell Brand but to banish them from the airwaves for this?? C'mon!

I have spent the last few days in Glasgow at a conference and have to say that if I ever leave the London, Scotland is where I will be heading, not for the scenic lochs and mountains and all that fresh air, No simply for the fact that Scottish men sound so hot! I know it's shallow but that's just the level I work at - lower than a worms tit.

I so wish I watched TV, must get that sorted soon!! Mainly due to this pic of Richard Armitage in this weeks episode of "Spooks"



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