whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

32? A good dating age?

Well I am now 32 and have got to thinking - when I was in my mid to late 20's I always thought that I would like to go out with a 32 year old, I don't know why it just seemed like a good age, will I have lots of 20 somethings after me now? I am certainly willing to test this theory out and will let you know the results.

So much has been occuring since I last did a proper blog - Barack Obama is like totally president!! and that silly John McCain is nowhere to be seen thank god, otherwise ...


Sadly Proposition 8 went through and now marriage in California is defined as a union between a man and a woman, in other words same sex marriage has been banned, this does now mean that the 18,000 same sex marriages that have happened already will be annulled and legal experts do not think any action will be taken against same sex couples. It just amkes me very angry that this even happened - the religious right seem to be untouchable in their extreme views and challenging this status quo is almost unheard of. I am not going to get into the gays vs religion debate, I just think the world needs to realise that it is changing and we have to change with it for our children's sake, what future are we providing for them when some of us are blocking other's rights.

Onto happier news - My birthday yesterday was lovely and I went out for a lovely meal with some of my lovely friends who made the effort to come out on such a hideous soggy night. Now all eyes are on the big party on friday - I can't wait, loads of people have said they are coming and I think it's going to be a lush night.

The beautiful Steve Jones and the annoying Fearne Cotton have split up!!! He is back on the market - and if all goes according to plan by tomorrow morning he shall be mine, i tell you - MINE! mwa ha ha

Work has been crazy busy lately and I am proving to be quite in demand but that does mean that I am just feeling shattered all the time, tonight I am going to head home and have an early night as my body needs to prepare itself for friday and the battering it is surely going to get!




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