whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

eurgh Katie Price just go away!

There she is posing on the front cover of OK! Magazine with her son Junior, last weeks front cover featured her with the headline "I was raped" and this week she claims "I was raped by a celebrity" - believe me Katie if you are on the front cover next week I too will feel I am being raped by a celebrity! whatever next "Freddie starr ate my hamster and Richard Gere rammed his gerbil up my ass" - Just go away Jordan and please tell your new boyfriend that he is the rebound guy beforeyou bounce him out of your life like the last bunch of suckers - I was on your side girl but you need to be told!

In other news it was the MTV Video Music Awards at the weekend kicking off Madonna's tribute speech about Michael Jackson, there are very few stars who have reached the dizzy heights of fame that he managed but Madonna is pretty close and although the crowd were whooping and hollering from the start, the room soon became dealdy silent as Madonna gave a very heartfelt, teary eyed and touching speech, it was possibly the most moving speech I have heard since his death. However, this moment of the awards seems to have been overshadowed by the twatty behaviour of one Mr Kanye Wrst (is it just me or is his head and face really bizarrely shaped, he always looks like he has been given some nasty food and is storing it in his cheeks til everyone leaves the room) anyway Taylor Swift won the award for best female music vid, also nominated in this category was Beyonce. Nopw Taylor Swift is a country music singer, she is 19 yeears old and last year sold 3.7 million albums in the USA alone, this was her 1st ever MTV award, as she was about to make her speech, kanye west jumped on stage grabbed the mic and shouted out that Beyonce should have won the award, it was kinda like watching a cute little puppy being run over. In the space of a minute he ruined her night, thankfully he got booed and when Beyonce won video of the year later that night she invited Taylor back on stage to finish her speech. Now that is called grace and dignity from an exceptionally talented artist, what kanye west did was pathetic, childish and rude, he is obviously very apologetic (radio stations have stopped playing his music!) but he has been outspoken in the past but it helps if you choose your battles carefully, then again I imagine taylor swift is shifting shitloads of records now so maybe it aint all bad.

Very sad news that one of my heart throbs sadly died this week , Patrick Swayze. I remember watcing Dirty Dancing when I was younger and just falling in love with him, he had the beautiful face, the sexy ass and the moves, never really believed that he would ever fancy the big nose girl but hey it takes all sorts to make a world. I was still in love with him when "Ghost" came out and then he ended up in full drag on the film "too wong foo" he just ticked all my boxes really, RIP

Also this week I had a slight diva overload, Oprah "Queen of all media" Winfrey interviewing Whtney " The Voice" Houston, the first half of this interview was leaked on to a website that I got linked into via facebook, it’s a very moving interview where whitney is just real! so candid talking about her drug use and the violence in her relationship with Bobby Brown, she came across really well and thankfully all that cocaine has not affected her voice too much as the girl can still sing, I CANNOT wait for the album!!!



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