whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

hey people,

Yet again another gap in blogging, apol's for that. I have not even blogged about Michael Jackson's memorial! I managed to catch it on iplayer the night after and have to say I wept like a baby, generally I thought it was a beautiful service if a tad voyeuristic, Brooke Shields started me on the tears and then Motown Records founder - Berry Gordy did an amazing speech and how Jermaine Jackson managed to sing such a beautiful version of Michael's fave song "Smile" is beyond me and yes I have to admit shedding another tear when his daughter said her short but sweet piece, qall I can say is watch out Lourdes, Paris is after ya!

Last night I watched the documentary on channel 4 - "What really happened? the last days of Michael Jackson" it was very interesting, and painted Michael as a man who was completely addicted to prescription painkillers, that totally ruled his life, spending $100,000 in the space of a year on his habit, they interviewed people close to Mj who all said there was no way he would have been able to do 50 shows without massive amounts of uppers and downers, one doctor also stated that his death may have been due to him actually making an effort to stop taking drugs to get back on form for his shows but once off them for a while, one dosage could have been too much for his body to take and to me that sounds like the most realistic explanation, if that is the case it truly will be tragic waste of a great talent.

Now I am not sure what has happened to me lately, usually on this blog I bang on about being lonely in love but something has changed, I don’t know what it is but lately I have been getting a fair bit of interest from that species known as man! I have been having a major time of it, nothing like a bit of attraction to boost the confidence, I am walking with a swagger! stay tuned for further developments!

This week is all lovely as I have my friend Tony staying with me, although I have a housemate who I get on ok with, it is nice to have someone to chat to, am now really looking forward to my upcoming trip to Finland which will include a booze filled cruise over to stockholm! yay!!!

have also been watching Eastenders lately as they have been featuring their new gay storyline, where Christian (the only gay in the square) is seducing the lovely Muslim character Syed, it seems an ok storyline but yet again the main gay character is being portrayed as predatory, playing mind games with Syed and threatening to out him. This happened with Karl and Todd in Coronation Street years ago, can we maybe have a gay man who doesn’t literally chase men across the square please?

So Duncan James of recently reformed boyband Blue has come out as Bisexual, no major surprise there really but the reaction from the gay press has been so hideous! most saying they wonder when he is actually going to come out as gay, as if bisexuality is some make believe town on the way to gaysville. I welcome the fact that a guy from a boyband has the guts to speak out, although I wish the press would not refer to it as "admitting" he is bisexual, you admit to a crime not a sexuality!

I am going to try and be better with this blog from now on, enough of this work malarky getting in the way



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