whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Well stardom has at last plopped itself on my doorstep, yesterday I was interviewed on BBC Radio 1Xtra giving advice to lesbian and gay young people about coming out and homophobia etc, there is now a campaign for me to take over from that fat bastard Chris Moyles on the Radio 1 Breakfast Show, I could follow in the footsteps of Sara Cox, we could even have the same nickname of "Coxy" for an entirely different reason obviously.

I am addicted to the song "Red" by Daniel Merriweather at the moment and cannot stop listening to it! such a beautiful song.

I am not being very proud this year at all, this weekend its sheffield pride and I aint heading there, not going to London or Brighton Pride either, but hey in the world of pippy everyday is pride day, especially now that I am an international radio star helping gays on a worldwide level, holler!

It’s a good job we came back from Ibiza when we did, did ya hear about the plane crash? yes Jordan (aka Katie Price) is there this week and has taken car crash to plane crash levels, of course I shall be tuning into her next reality show because I am a fickle celeb obsessed saddo.

Had a quiet night in last night and caught up on some iplayer, watched "Crimewatch Roadshow" - I do love those real crime stories, well they were following a rural police team in Northumbria doing a farmwatch shift where they deploy police vehicles all over the countryside to spot criminals nicking equipment from farmland. It was H-I-larious, this ballsy female chief inspector spent ages briefing her team, the cameras followed them round all night and the only thing that happened was someone stopping a police car to ask for directions to the nearest chinese takeaway and then the presenters had to interview the chief inspector for 5 minutes about the experience, I was crying with laughter. Thankfully the show is co-presented by that sex copper Rav Wilding who is all kinds of fine!!



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