whats it all about? i dont give a crap!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
It's not been a good week blog wise - i have been quite the busy bunny!! fear not thought mortals, i intend to get back on track!
It's sunday morning and i am just watching the programmes i have taped over the weekend and i have to say - hats off to Davina McCall!! On friday night she hosted a documentary about sex education called "Lets talk about sex" - She was challenging the way sex education is delivered in British schools and i could not agree with her more. Sex Education is NOT compulsory in our schools and it does not make any sense!! Young people are leaving school without basic knowledge of pregnancy, HIV and STI's. Davina went to Denmark to see how education was delivered there. It was fascinating to see the diference in culture - as long as the media and religious groups block the development of key resources that talk about sex, relationships, feelings, sexuality etc we will not change. People need to wake up to the fact that young people are having sex and dont know how to handle it.
Is Ugly Betty going to face a moral dilemma every single frikkin week? B-O-R-I-N-G!
i am off to a wedding next weekend and i am praying that this happens!!
Now thats a wedding dance!!!
Oh how i love arms!! big muscly arms that swell and wrap around you amd keep yousafe from harm, oh whatever! just like em big - like this....
Matt Damon!! I loved him in "Good Will Hunting" and he got my homoerotic juices flowing in "The Talented Mr Ripley", i think he has served his time and deserves a big bit of good lovin in the boudoir!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I'm alive! Alive!!!
So sorry for the gap in blogs! It's been one of those weeks where i can barely find the time to listen to Madonna! There has bnot been a huge amount happening, its all just work, work, work at the moment. However, it is also pay day tomorrow so there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
I have finally sent off my bank charges claim! Sheer laziness on my part is the only excuse for not doing this sooner. My friend James inspired me, he just received muchos money from his bank. Legally they now need to get back to me in 2 weeks with a decision but i am willing to take this all the way! I wont say how much i am claiming but lets just say i could have enough to save a little, go on holiday, go clothes shopping and have a good old mash up night! I urge anyone who has ever been charged more than they should have been by their bank to look into it. It's a pretty simple process and it can pay off big time!
Madonna's new H & M range is in shops today! there are huge billboards of her looking fierce all over London and i am sure people will be climbing over each other at Oxford Circus to get their mitts on those trench coats! Madge was also papped this week heading into a recording studio this week, her minder was carrying a guitar (this is slightly worrying, i dont want another "American Life" Album girl!!"
Great news that the Sexual Orientation Regulations have been approved by the House of Lords and will become law on the 30th April, This basically outlaws discrimination against gay, lesbian and bisexual peoplewhen they access goods, services and facilities. The big impact this will have will be in education, Teachers and schools will no longer be able to ignore the fact that they DO have gay pupils in their schools and they need to start providing accurate information on health and relationships. 400 religious protesters gathered outside Parliament, they did nothing more than waste their time. Although giving a child this placard is not very christian is it!
I will be back on schedule with my boudoir man tomorrow
So sorry for the gap in blogs! It's been one of those weeks where i can barely find the time to listen to Madonna! There has bnot been a huge amount happening, its all just work, work, work at the moment. However, it is also pay day tomorrow so there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
I have finally sent off my bank charges claim! Sheer laziness on my part is the only excuse for not doing this sooner. My friend James inspired me, he just received muchos money from his bank. Legally they now need to get back to me in 2 weeks with a decision but i am willing to take this all the way! I wont say how much i am claiming but lets just say i could have enough to save a little, go on holiday, go clothes shopping and have a good old mash up night! I urge anyone who has ever been charged more than they should have been by their bank to look into it. It's a pretty simple process and it can pay off big time!
Madonna's new H & M range is in shops today! there are huge billboards of her looking fierce all over London and i am sure people will be climbing over each other at Oxford Circus to get their mitts on those trench coats! Madge was also papped this week heading into a recording studio this week, her minder was carrying a guitar (this is slightly worrying, i dont want another "American Life" Album girl!!"
Great news that the Sexual Orientation Regulations have been approved by the House of Lords and will become law on the 30th April, This basically outlaws discrimination against gay, lesbian and bisexual peoplewhen they access goods, services and facilities. The big impact this will have will be in education, Teachers and schools will no longer be able to ignore the fact that they DO have gay pupils in their schools and they need to start providing accurate information on health and relationships. 400 religious protesters gathered outside Parliament, they did nothing more than waste their time. Although giving a child this placard is not very christian is it!
I will be back on schedule with my boudoir man tomorrow
Friday, March 16, 2007
One more thing!
Sadly i happened upon a copy of the free London paper "London Lite" the other day and someone had actually text in saying
"would it be considered homophobic to have a straight pride?"
Honey, every day is straight pride! you are just not as good at celebrating or party planning
Relief comic style!
Just a quickie extra today - I hazve been loving "Comic Relief does Fame Academy" this week and am so chuffed that Tara Palmer Tompkinson is in the final - she has been sooo good, sure she is not the best singer but her attitude and humour have really carried her through. I am sure she will win tonight!
I also caught "Comic Relief does the Apprentice" - i always knew that Cheryl Cole (tweedy) was pretty funyn but her looks to camera last night were hilarious and suggesting that Trinny Woodall might have "that OCD thing" was genius!
After that last blog i am quite exhausted from scrawling through pictures of munters, Today is a beautiful day though and this week has been interesting. i dont want to go into too much detail about it, it's not like i am Ulrika Johnson!! (have you seen that she is doing a documentary on sex addiction? i am not sure if she is saying that she may be a sex addict, imagine that! i guess it would be similar to being an alcoholic in a tea total world!)
Anyways i have been in quite a reflective mood this week, my personal life is all a bit up and down really and my success rate with relationships is not the most enviable in the world. I guess i have been thinking about how relationships approach me and how i approach them, i have decided that less is definitely more, there is nothing scarier than a queen desperate for the love.
No one tells gays how to have relationships, the mass media is full of examples of how to make straight relationships and marriage work but the gays don't really have that many positive role models, that is changing now that we have civil partnerships but its a slow change. I have totally given up on the internet for meeting men especially since i seem to attract either guys that look like Penfold from "Dangermouse" or much, much, much older guys (like older than my dad old!) who want to take care of me - i aint no plant!
London is a really difficult place to meet guys, That may sound shocking when there are so many of them about but to actually get a guy on his own and have a conversation with him is a challenge. I consider myself pretty assertive, quite nice and not butt ugly but it aint easy. One day the sun will shine on my heart and you will all know about it but for now i think i shall just sit in the shade and take stock.
All this thinking has made me thirsty for a bit of dreamy make believe man action and you know what that means, its.....
This guy needs no explanation or introduction. I can't believe it has taken this long to get him on here, He has been quite busy with Ange and the babies but good god he is perfection personified.
Enjoy the sun whilst it lasts!!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Ok so what the hell is going on in Sheffield?
I am Sheffield born and proud of it!! Love the city and my family and friends who live there. However, something is happening on the gay scene there that i cannot quite comprehend. The gay club in Sheffield is called Fuel, i have been a few times and over time have become aware of the problem but i logged onto their website today and the gallery has been updated - it is quite simply the scariest and yet most hilarious thing i have ever seen. I apologise to any fuel members i may offend but someone has to tell you!! Now for some reason i cant get the individual pics onto my blog but i will draw your attention to a few key examples.
I would advise that if you are drinking anything whilst reading this it might be an idea to pop it down for a mo, you may spill it through laughing leading to a whole host of technological kerfuffle's.
Lets start with Gallery 1 - Dec 2006/ Jan 2007
picture 55 - when lezzer hair goes bad!
picture 94 - Her hair is so wrong even her eyebrows have done a runner!
picture 166 - Seriously, is that Peter Stringfellow or what?
picture 182 - the "guy" on the left looks like he has been face and butt raped by a giant orange rape fiend!
picture 219 - i am presuming they have done their hair like this for comic relief? or maybe they are going to some butt fugly hair convention?
Now moving onto Gallery 2 - Feb2007
picture 163 - oompa loompa!! honey whats this? for future reference less is more, when your make up leaves marks on furniture its time to stop!
picture 298 - for those who have not been out on the scene in Sheffield, this is a group example of your typical gay sheffield haircut - where did these hair dressers qualify? poodle parlours?
picture 329 - words fail me, hair or hedge?
picture 33o - oh honey! you were so good in "She-Devil"!!
picture 334 - Marc Almond is getting over that nasty bike crash so well!
picture 363 - honey did you by chance take a "different" bus to school?
picture 379 - Dale Winton's long lost daughters?
So there you go, let these be a warning to you - Sheffield is a beautiful city where the majority of people are fab but if you go down to the fuel today maybe now it wont be such a nasty surprise.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
An ode to "Heat Magazine"
I know that a while ago i said that i was so over "Heat" but i just cant resist and the thing is i dont now why - it is really rubbish. This week they have gone for the groundbreaking cover story - "The Biggest Celeb Bellies" - why oh why would i want to see Vanessa Feltz in a bikini it was bad enough watching her struggle to get out of that body bag that time - i forgot to lock the zip!
Moving on to Jennifer Aniston's reaction to seeing pics of Brad Pitt with his new baby. Despite Jen's LA publicist denying that Jen has even seen the pics, a "source" has said "It is part of Jen's disposition to be up and sassy, but she looked hurt after seeing those photos" Who the frig is this source? Pretty much all of Heats stories come from a mysterious source aka a low paid journalist's imagination. This source also pops up to let us know that Kate Thornton is "mortified" about being axed from the X Factor. I have been reading magazines like this for time, i also religiously watch any interview with any big celebrity and i know which one i believe.
This is really wrong but laughter blurted out of my mouth when i heard about Heather Mills becoming a contestant on the American version of "Strictly Come Dancing" - She is insisting that her leg wont fly off mid routine, my god if it does i will never ever stop laughing.
London is so cool!! Last night we had the launch of Madonna's new H & M range at the Langham Hotel, Elton John's 60th at Shoreditch Town Hall and the premiere of Sienna Miller's new film in Leicester Square. I was obviously not at any of these events but its nice to know i was in stalking distance.
Esca - later
Monday, March 12, 2007
cheese sometimes rocks!!
i dont eat!!! i have been described as an "enigma" in my non eating habits but i do eat like a pig!! a bit like princess di without the puking bit.
Anyway there is nothing i like better after a hard nights drinking than some cheese on toast with a bit of mayo for good measure! i know it aint going to make that fake Dr. Gillian McKeith happy but for fucks sake!! - if that is healthy i do not want to be it!! i aint going to down a pint of wheatgrass bullshit juice to look like a second hand concertina with a hunchback!!
I may be damaging my health but i walk everywhere and i have quit smoking and i guess it may not be enough to keep me looking 20 but i am 30!! i can breathe, i can kneel and my skinny jeans fit me.
My insides may look like blackpool but on the outside i am fierce all the way baby,
its only one life bitches and if you spend 20 minutes reading an article on diets you are never going to get that back or afford the ingredients but dancing costs nothing so go girl and keep on shining!!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Hey Guys,
I know i dont usually post on a saturday but i just found these pictures on the internet and had to share them with you!! I cant stop staring at them!!!
I think i might cry myself to sleep tonight!!
Friday, March 09, 2007
I love it!
Yay - Madonna has well and truly arrived at H & M with her new range of gear. She looks better than ever, check out the ad on youtube!!
Well i have another day off today and i think some culture is much needed! So i am off to the Tate Modern for a fill of Tracy Emin and then onto the V & A Museum - that aint so cultural cos i am off to see the Kylie exhibition but it is art of a fashion!
Not a huge amount planned for the weekend, Looks like its going to be a nice one weather wise so maybe a nice long walk along the south bank is called for. I am one of those people who never really takes advantage of the fact that i live in London. It always takes a friend visiting from up north for me to go sightseeing or take a trip to a gallery or museum. I am reclaiming the city for myself this weekend!
It's also my friend Ruth's birthday this weekend so i hope to see her at some point, Her boyfriend Chris is one half of a grand musical type duo called "The Sniffle Brothers" - they are playing a gig on the 21st March at a bar in Farringdon called Leonards. Check their myspace
I am going for another sordid bit of double dropping action this week, i just could not decide between these two guys and since they have the same initials it only seems fair to widen my entrance and buzz them both in
1st up is that scottish hottie James McAvoy, He was adorable in "Shameless" and fantastic in "The Last King of Scotland", Gorgeous accent, lovely eyes and an ass thats begging for a squirt and a wipe!
My sloppy seconds go to a classic good looking guy, he is totally gorgeous and just oozes sex appeal, He was on Graham Nortons show last night but i have been lusting after him since "Home and Away", Its Julian McMahon
Oh Baby!!!
Enjoy your weekend!!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Hey ho's
Sorry for the lack of blogging over the last few days - i have been busy but now i have a few days off where i plan to do absolutely nothing!! Well may have to clean the flat a lil bit, my bedroom floor has disappeared again!
My foot is loads better although it is a rather strange colour so am just praying that it don't fall off anytime soon. So back to an almost healthy existence! Apart from the unlimited alcohol consumption, the sodomy and that whole going to hell thing is going to sting like a bitch!!
Have been catching up on my "Desperate Housewives" - i have a feeling that the rest of the cast might be slightly bitter towards Eva Longoria - she is getting all the best lines and looks way better than the other housewives!!
Sad news that one of my childhood camp icons passed away this morning. John Inman played Mr Humphries in the sitcom "Are you Being Served". As a little boy his mincing walk and high pitched voice gave me something to relate to. I don't really care that some gay men think of hm as a stereotype, girls lets not deny that some of us love nothing better than a face mask and a flick through cosmo!!
Sounds like "Hollyoaks" are not ditching the gay boy like so many soaps before. The pathetic gay kiss of a few weeks ago is going to turn into a full on gay affair! The obsession continues!
Check in tomorrow for a total hottie in the boudoir!!
Monday, March 05, 2007
Good weekend people?
Mine started sooo well and then literally fell apart! I went to the opening of the new gay bar in Kings Cross on friday night which was good fun, free champagne and nibbly things, Loads of people there, Pretty funny apart from some ill advised stand up comedians - no one really paid attention to them.
I left considerably early for a friday night but when i got outside and the fresh air hit me i realised how drunk i was! i was staggering with my friends Gareth and Camilla and nearly made it on to the tube platform but managed to fall over quite spectacularly and really, really, really hurt my ankle. I made it home ok as the alcohol dulled the pain but by saturday morning i was in agony! Had to scrap the plans i had for that day. Managed to catch up on some great tv and am now all up to date with the goings on at Wisteria Lane.
Big Love (as Joss Stone would say) to Oliver who came over and cooked for me and played fetch and carry. Cheers hon. Had a lovely evening in just gossiping and laughing at the russian judge on "Dancing on Ice".
Yesterday spent the day in the cinema with Dan, had a great time and am starting to think that sundays are my new fave day of the week. It's always a good idea to do something slightly different for the day! Met up with Pete after who is back all tanned and healthy looking from his week in Egypt. Ended up down at the 2 brewers in Clapham for some gay football team fundraiser. It's amazing how much alcohol numbs the pain. My foot is getting better but i am still walking like Kevin Spacey in "The Usual Suspects.
Anyways this mo is exhausted and has 2 of the biggest, gayest working days of the year ahead of him.
Toodles xx
Friday, March 02, 2007
Ok folks i am back, as today is friday there is a whole weekend of fun filled activities to look forward to!! The sun is shining and it's a lovely day!
I have gone a bit music download crazy this week! Getting loads of 80's soul and R & B on the ipod - Luther Vandross, Debarge, Alexander O Neal, Anita Baker, LL Cool J. Also got the new Kaiser Chiefs album, not as good as the 1st one but a few potential stompers on there.
Off out tonight to a new gay bar that is opening in Kings Cross which should be fun, Although for once i am not after a late one as i intend to do quite a bit of sleeping this weekend.There have been builders in my flat for the last 3 weeks and everything has been covered in hideous dust and the bathroom has been pretty much out of limits, cut to me lugging my products all over London! So i am looking forward to spending some time in the flat and getting some good sleep - very busy week at work next week and need my homo wits about me!
I know i am a bit behind the times but i caught my 1st episode of the new E4 show "Skins" last night and i have to say it was such a load of crap, the worst acting i have seen in a long time and the most ludicrous story!! Will never get that hour back!
Still managing to catch up with bit of the Oscars that i missed. There are some great moments with Ellen Degeneres on youtube. She gets so emotional in the run up to the show and afterwards reflecting on on the experience she was just as tearful. I have a huge amount of respect for her - Its over 10 years ago now since she came out in real life and on her TV sitcome to over 40 million Americans - that move pretty much ruined her career but when someone is as talented as Ellen you cant keep her down for long, She fought back and landed her chat show which is now massively popular in America and then bags the Oscars job whilst still being out and proud! Now that is a gay icon!
I have gone a bit music download crazy this week! Getting loads of 80's soul and R & B on the ipod - Luther Vandross, Debarge, Alexander O Neal, Anita Baker, LL Cool J. Also got the new Kaiser Chiefs album, not as good as the 1st one but a few potential stompers on there.
Off out tonight to a new gay bar that is opening in Kings Cross which should be fun, Although for once i am not after a late one as i intend to do quite a bit of sleeping this weekend.There have been builders in my flat for the last 3 weeks and everything has been covered in hideous dust and the bathroom has been pretty much out of limits, cut to me lugging my products all over London! So i am looking forward to spending some time in the flat and getting some good sleep - very busy week at work next week and need my homo wits about me!
I know i am a bit behind the times but i caught my 1st episode of the new E4 show "Skins" last night and i have to say it was such a load of crap, the worst acting i have seen in a long time and the most ludicrous story!! Will never get that hour back!
Still managing to catch up with bit of the Oscars that i missed. There are some great moments with Ellen Degeneres on youtube. She gets so emotional in the run up to the show and afterwards reflecting on on the experience she was just as tearful. I have a huge amount of respect for her - Its over 10 years ago now since she came out in real life and on her TV sitcome to over 40 million Americans - that move pretty much ruined her career but when someone is as talented as Ellen you cant keep her down for long, She fought back and landed her chat show which is now massively popular in America and then bags the Oscars job whilst still being out and proud! Now that is a gay icon!
Well this is getting to be a struggle people, i am sure all you beautiful people must know the dilemma of having to find a gorge man to boink come friday! Well today's entry is a perfect example of one of my main loves when it comes to men - the arms!! you gotta love the arms! always good for lifting shirts!
Yeah its Sean William Scott, Bad actor in even worse films but who cares with arms like that!