whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Friday, March 16, 2007


After that last blog i am quite exhausted from scrawling through pictures of munters, Today is a beautiful day though and this week has been interesting. i dont want to go into too much detail about it, it's not like i am Ulrika Johnson!! (have you seen that she is doing a documentary on sex addiction? i am not sure if she is saying that she may be a sex addict, imagine that! i guess it would be similar to being an alcoholic in a tea total world!)

Anyways i have been in quite a reflective mood this week, my personal life is all a bit up and down really and my success rate with relationships is not the most enviable in the world. I guess i have been thinking about how relationships approach me and how i approach them, i have decided that less is definitely more, there is nothing scarier than a queen desperate for the love.

No one tells gays how to have relationships, the mass media is full of examples of how to make straight relationships and marriage work but the gays don't really have that many positive role models, that is changing now that we have civil partnerships but its a slow change. I have totally given up on the internet for meeting men especially since i seem to attract either guys that look like Penfold from "Dangermouse" or much, much, much older guys (like older than my dad old!) who want to take care of me - i aint no plant!

London is a really difficult place to meet guys, That may sound shocking when there are so many of them about but to actually get a guy on his own and have a conversation with him is a challenge. I consider myself pretty assertive, quite nice and not butt ugly but it aint easy. One day the sun will shine on my heart and you will all know about it but for now i think i shall just sit in the shade and take stock.

All this thinking has made me thirsty for a bit of dreamy make believe man action and you know what that means, its.....


This guy needs no explanation or introduction. I can't believe it has taken this long to get him on here, He has been quite busy with Ange and the babies but good god he is perfection personified.

Enjoy the sun whilst it lasts!!



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