whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Oh lord the blog really has been out on a backburner for a while now, basically I have been extremely busy at work and doing quite a bit of travelling around the country. So from now on I guess the blog will just be done when I can, I can't keep up with the daily nonsense that once was.

So anyway whats been occuring in the showbiz world, Jade Goody's story is still upsetting me but I am glad that she has managed to squeeze a fortune out of the joke that is OK! Magazine, I was in Tesco today and there are 3 different copies of the magazine out at once!

Also in the news Michael Jackson has announced a massive 45 concerts at the o2 Arena from July this year through to February next year. I remember seeing Michael Jackson on his Dangerous Tour years ago andf he was fantastic but I do have the feeling that he just doesn't have it in him anymore to deliver a fabulous performance and it's proibably going to be endless videos and smoke and mirrors, Think I will wait for the dvd.

Mother of 2 and role model Britney Spears made a boo boo on stage the other night, thinking her microphone was off she said to her dancers "My pussy is hanging out" - beautifully put Ms Spears, Let's hope for another slip like that when she hits the UK.

As for big gay news well it's all a bit miserable really, the government is planning to carry out a massive consultation on domestic violence but it will not cover abuse in same sex relationships, that's really helpful and forward thinking, thanks for that. That puts across a very clear message that gay relationships don't matter and that domestic violence does not happen in gay relationships. This whole fear of asking sexuality based questions in national research bugs the hell out of me, how can we provide good, appropriate services to lesbians and gay men if we don’t know who they are or where they are.

I love the animated sitcom "Family Guy" mainly because it totally pisses off right wing America with its explicit content, a parents group is up in arms at a recent episode which featured 11 men in a gay orgy, a baby eating horse semen instead of milk on his cereal and beastiality, after the episode the Parents Television Council said

Fox treated viewers to everything from an 11-way gay orgy to baby Stewie eating a bowl of cereal with horse sperm instead of milk.
"If that isn’t enough, the show’s leading character is also shown fanaticizing about his wife and moaning while a horse licks his bare behind. Clearly, the explicit content was not isolated to one instance in one segment of the show; it permeated the entire programme."
Speaking about a previous complaint from the group, Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane told theadvocate.com: "That’s like getting hate mail from Hitler. They’re literally terrible human beings. I’ve read their newsletter, I’ve visited their website, and they’re just rotten to the core.
"For an organisation that prides itself on Christian values - I mean, I’m an atheist, so what do I know? - they spend their entire day hating people."
He also went onto say that the Parent Television Council could go and suck his dick - love it!!

That's all for today! Back whenever



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