whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The world is crazy and I am the sane one!

Well I am back again after another hectic work week, all was good in the countryside and I have comeback feeling rather refreshed and pleased with myself. On my long train journey back last night I got a bit bored of my book and slipped into the delightful world of the Metro Newspaper, I found myself shaking my head in disbelief at one story. It involves a rather well established travel company and another example of just how thick people can be. A woman called Samantha Lazzaris fancied a holiday in Costa Rica in Central America but due to a mishap at the travel agents she was accidentally booked onto a flight to the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. Now obviously this was a mistake and the travel company have taken full responsibility for it all. However, I really don't think they should have because Ms Lazzaris somehow managed to book her travel insurance, pack her bags, go to the airport, check in, keep track of the departure gate and time of flight, board the plane, hear the announcements on the plane, land in Puerto Rico, go through passport control, collect her baggage, go through the airport and get into a taxi and it was only when the taxi driver laughed at her and I quote

"I looked aroud the airport, saw posters of Puerto Rico everywhere and thought - what am I going to do?"

what are you going to do Ms Lazzaris? I suggest getting a fuckin clue would be a start you frikkin muppet, How oh How could you have gone through all those systems and not noticed that everything was telling you that you were going to Puerto Rico? What I think the travel agents should have done is written to her afterwards and suggest that maybe next time she should travel with a companion/carer and provided said companion or carer with an "I'm with stupid" T shirt! whats really annoying is that someone that stupid can afford such a holiday in the first place - who is paying apart from animal research?

Good lord, London life is all good but I really am getting sick of the never ending army of stupid, thick people that appear to have been put in this city to block me from getting from A to B. Why does everyone assume there are no seats upstairs on a bus and totally squeeze into the downstairs? Why do people walk all the way along a tube carriage for no apparent reason, stop it you make me nervous and I don't like it and I know I have said it before but why are there so many human crabs on London's pavements?? human beings walk forwards not sideways, stop slamming me into shop windows and the road!

rant over.

Now what is all this about R'n'B singer Chris Brown's fight with his girlfriend, singer Rihanna? It appears that the couple had a fight on their way back from a pre grammy awards party the other night and the rumours are that Brown battered Rihanna pretty severely, she has been in hospital and the rumours are she may need plastic surgery, this news has already led to Brown being dropped from several major sponsorship deals and Rihanna cancelling concerts this week. As some of you may know if you have been reading my blog for a while I have been involved in a violent relationship in the past and I am relieved that this story is being taken so seriously by the world's media. There is NO excuse for violence in any relationship, As Oprah would say "Love does not slap you upside yo head" and it's true, Love has many ways of showing itself and I for one am ready to see some of those ways, but when I was in that particular relationship I truly believed that my boyfriend loved me but in actual fact all he loved was the power and control he had over me and it really is as simple as that. It's taken me a hell of a long time to look at it that way, blaming myself always seemed such an easier option but that’s the way it is. Just get out of it while you can honey because that shit won't change it's stink.

Finally Happy Birthday to my girl Kaz!! have a lesbolicious time!!



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