whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

It time to put the rant's back in pippyrants!

The Catholics are at it again! When will they ever learn that they are wrong and I am in most cases right! The Roman Catholic Church in Scotland has launched a rather preposterous attack on the gays.

"There is an overwhelming body of evidence showing that same-sex relationships are inherently unstable and reduce the life expectancy of those involved," claimed church spokesman Peter Kearney.
Oh great! so not only am I going to hell but I am going to get there sooner than I thought. Ah well suppose it'll save me cash. I imagine vodka, lager and drugs are quite freely available.

Why have this statement been released? well the Daily Mail (basically mein kampf with better pictures) has picked up on the story of a mother whose kids have been adopted by a gay male couple after courts decided she was unfit to look after her kids herself. She has now kicked off saying that she was never told they would be placed with a gay couple and she could do a much better job herself, oh I forgot to mention she is a heroin addict. The paper has taken her side, yeah the Daily Mail strikes again, put the kids back with their junkie mother rather than 2 people that can provide a loving and secure environment, take the kids out of the birdcage and into trainspotting.

the author of this truly hateful article Amanda Platell goes on to say

"It appears that social services, despite all the evidence to the contrary, still believe that all relationships are equal when it comes to raising children," she wrote.
"Indeed, in this case they seem to have decided that a gay relationship is preferable to a couple of opposite sex.
"This is simply not true.
"They are not equal when it comes to the things children need most – commitment and stability.
"Yet is is regarded as heretical even to state the facts: which are that marriages last longer than cohabiting heterosexual relationships and they both last longer than gay relationships.
"Those are the cold, bare truths.
"It is too soon to know the statistics on same-sex marriages as there has not been enough time to assess the trends and many same sex couples enjoy enduring and truly fulfilling relationships.
"But if commitment and stability matter most to children’s happiness and success, the least suitable place for them to be raised is by a gay couple.
"That’s not homophobia, that’s not bigotry, that’s a fact – unpalatable as it might be to the Left consensus."
seriously! this woman is just vile! how dare she? I have not experienced such homophobia in the media for a long time, this goes beyond honest reporting, this is another attempt to make the stupid daily mail buying public that bit more stupid, I wonder how many tweed wearing, 4 wheel drive wagon driving lemmings have read her article and nodded whilst saying "here, here" - fuckin eeejits!!


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