Well I have managed quite well so far this year to not mention the race for the white house but recent events concern me greatly and so I am coming out of the political closet. I would hope that anyone reading this would not have to think twice about who should be the next President - obviously it should be Oprah Winfrey but alas she is too busy with her radio show, tv show, magazine, schools and fixing that silly global warming. I instead opt for Barack Obama, he is so the right man for the job and obviously I have had to look at his record on gay rights and he has been very good to us same sex lovers! Every 2 years the human rights campaign, the largest national lesbian and gay organisation issues a scorecard for members of the senate based on their sponsorship and voting on key issues of importance for lesbian and gay people. Barack Obama scored 89 out of 100%. He has backed hate crime legislation that wil protect lesbians and gay men and has also been supportive in employment laws, the military ban, adoption rights and gay civil unions.
That bizarre looking republican candidate John McCain is quite the opposite as you may expect, he has not supported one piece of legislation that will protect the rights of lesbian and gay people, here is a snippet of an interview from earlier this year
In an interview with George Stephanapolous in July 2008, Stephanapolous asked John McCain,"What is your position on gay adoption? You told the New York Times you were against it, even in cases where the children couldn't find another home. But then your staff backtracked a bit. What is your position?"
McCain responded, "My position is, it's not the reason why I'm running for president of the United States. And I think that two parent families are best for America."
Stephanapolous asked, "Well, what do you mean by that, it's not the reason you're running for President of the United States?"
McCain replied, "Because I think -- well, I think that it's -- it is important for us to emphasize family values. But I think it's very important that we understand that we have other challenges, too. I'm running for president of the United States, because I want to help with family values. And I think that family values are important, when we have two parent -- families that are of parents that are the traditional family."
Stephanapolous: "But there are several hundred thousand children in the country who don't have a home. And if a gay couple wants to adopt them, what's wrong with that?"
McCain: "I am for the values that two parent families, the traditional family represents."
Stephanapolous: "So, you're against gay adoption."
McCain: "I am for the values and principles that two parent families represent. And I also do point out that many of these decisions are made by the states, as we all know. And I will do everything I can to encourage adoption, to encourage all of the things that keeps families together, including educational opportunities, including a better economy, job creation. And I'm running for president, because I want to help families in America. And one of my positions is that I believe that family values and family traditions are preserved."
Well that interview tells me everything I need to know about him - you listen to Obama speak and he is clear and up front and says exactly what he means, he is that most refreshing thing - a politician who doesn't answer questions like a politician. However, now we have a whole new heel wearing threat - Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin or as I prefer to call her "howdy doody lois lane looking mother fella" - she is so vile with her fake smile and all american values - the bastard daughter of Charlton Heston me thinks! Here is a quote from a gay rights website in America
"America may not know much about Sarah Palin, but based on what our community has seen of her, we know enough," said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. "Sarah Palin not only supported the 1998 Alaska constitutional amendment banning marriage equality but, in her less than two years as Governor, even expressed the extreme position of supporting stripping away domestic partner benefits for state workers. When you can’t even support giving our community the rights to health insurance and pension benefits, it’s a frightening window into where she stands on equality."
She likes guns, hates abortion and would probably prefer it if all us pesky gays went to fire island where we belong. Sadly there is that whole middle bit of America that are literally on their hands and knees ready to worship her, whilst the gays are on their hands and knees too - because if the republicans win we are going to be seriously fucked! without dinner or lube!
Moving onto Amy Winehouse and her allegedly rather shambolic performance at this weekends Bestival - I read a very funny review of her show last night and although I cant remember the whole thing, the reviewer did compare the enjoyment of watching her equalling watching a hamster slowly eat its young!
I am becoming more and more indie as the days go by, probably due to listening to Xfm at my desk everyday - there are some great songs out at the moment that I can't get enough of
Steve McQueen by The Automatic, Mountains by Biffy Clyro, In This City by Iglu and Hartley but the ultimate track of the moment is Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon - simply amazing! I always thought Kings of Leon were big hairy mary types but after a good shave certain members of the band are a whole pile of hotness
on that note I shall bid you farewell til next time!
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