eurgh where did the good weather go?? this rain is really bringing me down
well the weekend has been and gone, the highlight being Brighton Pride - I woke up on saturday morning to hear rain pouring outside my window but due to not drinking too much the night before I actually woke up in high spirits!! I was not going to let that shitty weather stop my feelings of pride.
I met up with Pete, Kaz and Tolu and got on what I thought was the gayest train in town, The weather was miserable on the way there but the large cans of Stella seemed to make things that little bit better. Once we got to Brighton, a quick trip to Somerfield was needed, there was not much alcohol left but we got all we could carry and made our way to Preston Park, Just as we were walking through the gates - the sun appeared from nowhere. This made me smile a huge amount, we found a good spot and parked ourselves - i was drinking as quickly as possible due to the fact that most people in the park looked like they had been drinking meths since birth.
Trying to meet up with people was a joke, too many people, too many mobile networks and no signal so I made my way to the Bear tent ( not teddy bears but larger than life hairy gay blokes) - I am full aware that I don't fit that type but they were playing great music and there was room to move. I stayed there for the duration before ending up back at someone's flat at the park entrance where an impromptu party was happening and then we made our way back to the station to deal with the nightmare journey home, the queue seemed to last forever and we were drinking a very strong bottle of vodka and coke, eventually we got on the train and parked ourselves and proceeded to be as offensive and politically incorrect as possible mainly towards the long faced woman who didn't look dissimilar to shergar the champion horse.
After finally getting home I was shattered and collapsed in a big mess on my bed and stayed there nearly all of sunday.
I spend a great deal of my time at work training people to challenge homohobia and make their lives and spaces more inclusive for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. I sometimes get asked whether this work is really necessary....
On Friday 25th July in Huyton, Merseyside 18 year old Michael Causer was attacked by 3 youths in broad daylight, he was taken to hospital with serious head injuries, this attack was rooted in homophobia. On Sunday 3rd August Michael died. So to all those people who think that being gay is fine and that the world is one great accepting place, imagine the hatred that must have been running through these youth's brain's, solely based on homophobia.
Now onto celebrity hell, Mitch Winehouse gets more and more of a media whore everyday - now he has his own frikkin radio show, yes taxi driver mitch is hosting Danny Baker's london radio show whilst he is away. What next? Mitch Winehouse - come dine with me, mitch winehouse - hosting the brits, mitch winehouse - how to look good naked (dry wretch).
Well I have finished the book "Life with my sister Madonna" By Christopher Ciccone and would like to say I am shocked but it does not really come as a surprise that Madonna uses people and then drops them when she is done with them, that she only really likes to be around people that agree with her and if you go against her she will slightly unleash hell. What does come as a surprise is her lack of commitment to her family, her measley payments to her poverty stricken grandmother and the rather childish battles over money with her brother who seems to have repeatedly gone beyond the call of duty for her. I guess it does make me look at her in a different light (fitting). Is this a truthful account of what has really happened? We have only heard one side of the story, I doubt we will ever hear the other, Madonna would not lower herself to speak on such matters - it's a shame she won't - if she did the light would shine brighter.
I am amazed at the transformation of child star Neil Patrick Harris, I used to get nicknamed his character name of Doogie Howser at school because I looked like him, since then he has gone onto further success and has come out of the closet. I just wish I looked as good as he does now!!
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