whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Advice for the young at heart?

Every week I say I am going to resist the urge to purchase Heat magazine and I fail almost always. This week you got a free copy of More magazine with Heat so really it was quite a bargain. One particular article caught my eye, it was basically giving girls tips on how to get the attention of their computer game addicted boyfriends - it had the usual cook his favourite meal, offer to take him down the pub to watch a footie match (and they say feminism is dead!) the last tip in this wholesome magazine was to simply "go down on him" - I love that we are now telling young women that they have to bow down to their boyfriends needs just to get any form of attention. yes girls not only does the magazine tell you that you are too fat, that you need to wear more make up but now you also have to gag on your fella's meat, well I guess that's one way of dieting.

Oh boo, yesterday I had a job interview which went really well, I was quite fierce having spent the day listening and watching Madonna for some power inspiration, I answered all the questions well and covered everything that needed covering but alas someone was actually better and I didn't get the job. They called to let me know last night and for a few minutes I was a bit depressed and bitter, As i walked on I mentally slapped myself out of it. What have I actually got to complain about? I already have a really decent job, my personal life is going really well, I am living in the joyfest that is London, I have a nice place to live and my friends are a bowl full of loveliness. All in all life at the moment is worth smiling about and these little things are just sent to teach us more. Bring on the weekend and more happy times.

Our gracious leader has announced the first dates of her world tour!! The tour is called the "The Sticky and Sweet Tour" - how delicious is that. It kicks off at the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff on 23rd August and hits Wembley Stadium on the 11th September. I can't wait, tickets go on sale next friday!!!!

Sometimes I think about Americans and just shake my head in disbelief, I know that not all Americans are stupid but they do seem to have a rather concentrated amount of idiots polluting the streets with their brain farts. Every year a list is compiled of the most complained about books in American Libraries, included in this years top 10 are "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" for alleged racism, Phillip Pullman's "The Golden Compass (Anti-religious) but at number one, the book that has got people writhing in anger and taking to the streets - "And tango makes three" - its a childrens book based on a true story of Roy and Silo, 2 male penguins at New Yorks Central Park Zoo. They attempted to hatch a rock, which was replaced by a rejected egg from a mixed gender couple by zookeepers. They then adopted the baby penguin Tango as their own. The book is accused of promoting homosexuality and being 'anti-family' as well as unsuitable for its age group......It's a story about gay penguins for fucks sake you stupid brain dead morons! What exactly are people worried about? that their child might decide to be gay and fuck a penguin? that the 2 gay penguins will bizarrely create a baby gay penguin that will vogue out of it's cage and run riot around Manhatten going to see musicals and finishing all it's sentences with punchlines? Let's get things into perspective people - can we get the new president sorted out and then we can focus all our attention on a children's picture book.

There are rumours that Heather " I would cross the street to slap her" Mills is hoping to take part on the celebrity version of "The Apprentice" in America. I think she would be rather good at raising cash and working it, Oh no hang on a minute - 2 of the beatles are dead and I think Ringo Starr is not her type so she can't just fuck for money anymore. Back to the drawing board you vile cold sore on the face of humanity.

I don't watch the TV show "Heroes" but have still managed to fall in love with one of the shows stars. He is just adorable! It's the lovely Milo Ventimiglia. Just yum!

Well this weekend is looking promising, drinks tonight after work and then the rest of the weekend is free to soak up the sun!!

Have a great one people!! Back next week



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