Do it, do it
Let me turn you on
Let the music pull you through it
Til the break of dawn
Do it, do it
While the night is young
Let the music pull you through it
Til the lights go on
Yes Madonna performed an exclusive set last night at New York's Roseland Ballroom and from the pics and clips on the internet it looks like a blinding show, People slag off her looks, her music, her style, her personality but to see Madonna live is a whole new experience - she puts her heart, soul, blood, sweat and tears into each performance and last night looked to be no exception.
Fans queued over night to get hold of one of the 2,200 wristbands that would get them into the gig. Madonna came on stage shortly after 10pm, sat on a black and gold throne and wielding a gold cane. She blasted out Candy Shop, Miles Away, 4 Minutes (with a fabulous performance from Justin Timberlake!) followed by the dancefloor filler Hung Up, the next single Give it to me before closing with the classic "Music" It may have lasted little over half an hour but I can guarantee for the people there it would have been worth all the waiting.
Here are a few pics of our gracious leader doing what she does best
On a more serious note, Today is the London decides whether Ken Livingston stay's on a Mayor of London or Boris Johnson takes over at City Hall, I was up eaely this morning to pop along to my local polling station to cast my vote, I hope people make the effort today. I will be away tomorrow when the announcement is made butif it is Boris I may not bother coming back to London. I'm not judging him....but he's a twat.
Right I will be back to Blog (hopefully) on tuesday!! Have a fab bank holiday!!
Til then here are some pics of Adam Levine from Maroon 5 - no reason, I just love him ever so slightly
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