whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Reflecting Back

I turn 30 tomorrow and as with any other year i am feeling reflective. Every year since the age of 16 something significant has happened. I turned 16 in 1993 and i "came out" to my friends and family. In 1994 i joined a gay youth group and started voluntary youth work. In 1995 i started training as a youth worker. In 1996 I moved out of my parent's house. In 1997 i got into my 1st "long term" relationship. In 1998 I got my 1st well paid job and organised a massive gay youth conference. In 1999 another relationship and more career highs!

In 2000 i left Sheffield and moved to Leicester for a full time gay men's health job. In 2001 i got into my most serious relationsip to date. In 2002 i got a new job and moved to London. In 2003 the relationship ended and i got my current job. In 2004 as part of my work i launched a website and moved to South London. In 2005 i went to Australia for a month and my career continued to get better.

This year has been a strange one, simply because not a huge amount has happened. Work is fantastic and i am really being recognised for all the work that's happened over the years. On the relationship front, it's all been a bit of a non starter. I am not moaning and i am not ungrateful. I have the best friends anyone could wish for, friends that love me, friends that support me and are always there for me. Also this year my dear friend Emma got pregnant. I will have a child in my life and i am ecstatic about it.

I have had so much fun this year. A bit too much fun some might say. A year of partying, late nights and good laughs. I dont know what the next year holds - whether it will be love, a change of job or home but i know for sure, i will dance, i will laugh and have great times with my amazing friends.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey hope you had a fab birthday. B x

3:03 PM  

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