whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Monday, October 30, 2006

What a weekend!!

Hello my lovelies! Well i had a pretty random weekend. As per usual drinks after work on friday led to a rather large drinking session. Ended up meeting Pete and Kaz in Element in Soho for wine, wine and more wine!! Pete gave me my heels for his party, I am going to be the tallest Kylie Minogue in history! They are proper fierce drag queen shoes and i can see myself being in pain. I shall be wearing them round the flat this week to practice.

Saturday morning i met up with Kaz in Dalston to finish off our fancy dress shopping and even though we both had killer hangover's i think we did pretty well. It was never going to be easy trying high heel boots on in shops but i managed it and have got a pair that fit like a glove. Just a few more lil bits to get and it's party time! I am really excited about Pete's party and think its going to be truly hilarious! We have all had a hand in sorting the music so depending on my shoes i should be cutting some serious moves on the dancefloor!

Saturday night i met up with Tony and Anna for a few beers and then off we popped to Borderline (dirty lil indie club in the west end) The music was fantastic, some newies and some great classic tunes!

Yesterday was a bit of a write off as i was recovering but unexpectedly went out last night with Pete, Kaz and Dawn to the fabulous Too 2 Much in Soho for their cabaret spectacular night. I had been once before and had such a good time and last night was even better. They were celebrating a year of cabaret and the bill was packed with great singers and comedians. However the highlight of the night was the actor Alan Cumming arriving half way through and holding the door open for Kaz. Now most people know him from the X Men films but the reason we were so excited is that Alan is in our favourite film - "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion" - he plays a character called Sandy Frink. Big appreciation for Kaz who went to speak to him - apparently he was very lovely!

I was going to post a delightful picture from Romy and Michelle but this evil computer wont let me for some monday related reason!!

Right i better get off, Got rehearsal tonight, Not got much time now to get the routine all sorted! We really need to start paying in sweat!! 5,6,7,8!



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