well the other day i said that i ahd found my own poetry book and i have to admit the majority just too depressing/embarassing for consumption but here are a few that might be semi ok
Simple Daydreams
When do you know
Do you truly know
The feeling of love
A warm grasp of insanity
Covering my sight
The whispers of tenderness
Deafen all my senses
As i look on
Blind to all this gloom
The painful and the beautiful
Tremors in my heart
Or a kiss as I
Lay asleep at night
These are the thoughts
Of love that I wish
That i wish to have
A long way away
From the simple daydreams
Missing You
I may never touch you again
But I will always feel you
I may never see you again
But I will always sense you
I may never hear from you again
But I will always want you
You are in me
And I am in you
We are apart now
Yet always joined
Soul-tied lovers
Who met at the wrong time
Those Mornings
Those mornings when you said yiu'd wake me and didn't
Those mornings when i hadn't bought bread for toast
Those mornings when i hadn't yet washed the shirt that I hadn't ironed either
Those mornings when we didn't make up from our fight the night before
Those mornings of silence of fuming tea drunk from a jug because I'd left all the cups in the sink
Those mornings are the ones I remember fondly
And miss the most now you're gone
Holiday Romance?
You don't want me to love you
You don't want to get involved
You are reluctant to touch me
You don't want me to kiss you
I can't help it, the way I feel
Your attention has captured my senses
Sent me into a whirl of emotion
When I see you, I lose it all
What am I going to do with this?
I can't help but notice you
You've realised I need your love
Now trapped with no way out
I carry your picture in my heart
I hang onto every word you say
I grasp you when you're near
I hold on when you leave
You are messing with my state
I'm screwing up your mind
What else can we do?
Just carrying on with this game
We don't understand the rules
I can't remember whose turn it is
Let's take a break and have a drink
Before we continue this wonderful madness
Please remember that these are very old and allow me the rantings of a teenage homo
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