whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I sit here writing this on my lunch break with a slight feeling that I might be sick on my keyboard and for once this is not due to excessive drinking, this is due to the stench winding its way up my nose from my colleagues outrageously pungent body odour, he has been working here for a few months and his B.O is getting worse by the day. Just to say that he has now left the room and the stench is as bad as when he was sat next to me. Having coped with this for a while I decided today was the day to take action, at first I thought I would be a whimp and just pretend that I was very paranoid about swine flu and walk about with a mask on - but have you tried eating lunch with a swine flu mask on? it is not easy!

So I walked into my managers office and said "right, I am not a bitch or anything but there is an issue in the office" "what might that be?" here goes " well its ******, he frikkin stinks! and its making me gag" - no point beating round the bush. I am not sure what is going to happen now, I would have said something but its not the easiest thing to do, occassionally he will come in smelling slightly better but after a while you realise the sweat smell is still there and has just been drowned in cheap dad type aftershave, cut to me sat typing with my handbag over my nose like a grazing horse.

I shall keep you posted on this, thank god I have this blog as an outlet to my frustrations. Well another weekend has passed by and it was actually quite quiet, I hardly left the house at all, but I made up for that on saturday night, it was Boo's birthday so we hit Unskinny Bop in Bethnal Green and had a drink and a boogie. We also managed to catch most of that Eurovision thing, I have to admit that the UK entry did very well, she sang well and we got a good score …..but I still hate it.

This week is going to be fairly quiet due to the lack of cash, so lots of nights in which is needed really due to the amount of work I have on at the moment! I have sooo many reports to write and am way behind schedule. joy!

right best get on, now where did I put that gas mask??


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