Girl you have taken the piss for long enough.
I have tried to stand by Amy Winehouse for quite some time now but I am sad to say that enough is enough. I am so bored of hearing about her staggering round Camden pissed, kicking the shit out of fans and photographers, banging on about her banged up husband and boomeranging her way in and out of rehab. Her live performances recently have left a lot to be desired, If she truly cared about herfans and herself, she would listen to ALL the people telling you to get help. I know she is young and has been propelled into the harsh and unforgiving world of fame at a very speedy rate but her talent is not under question, she is one of the finest singers this country has produced in a long time but as a fan I am losing patience. The latest story of her visiting her husband in jail and whacking her tits out and pressing them against the glass screen had me spewing my ring up earlier - Ican forgive Amy but I can never forget.
Crazy got himself some wheels! Michael Jackson has been spotted shopping in Las Vegas in another of his cunning disguises, I thought the point of a disguise weas to blend into the background and go unnoticed. I am just glad I aint fighting a war with him by my side, that camouflage would get our heads blown off - I bet shopper's didn't even make a fuss, they probably just tutted and said "oh here she is again with her unnecessarily long haired kids"
So Madonna's gay brother Christopher has written a tell all book about his sister, As a committed and loyal fan I would love to say that I will have nothing to do with this scandalous money grabbing publication but screw that - momma needs the gossip!!! Bring on the Ciccone bitch fest!! Apparently Christopher blames Guy Ritchie for the breakdown of his close relationship with his sister. I actually believe there may be truth in that, He has been known to make homophobic comments in the past, He better watch himself it's us gays that will probably have [aid for his lifestyle for the last few's not like his film career has been doing anything.
I feel slightly isolated....Am I the only person that has not seen the Heinz advert that is causing a bit of a storm at the moment? Well I say I haven't seen it, I have watch it at work without volume so actually have no idea what is going on but yet again a kiss between 2 men that lasts all of 1 second has been banned because a grand total of 200 people complained. How many people have signed a petition to get the advert back on the air? 14,000 - sort it out you deluded, frigid arseholes, it's the year 2008.
Well the date has been announced and G-A-Y at the Astoria is having it's final night on Saturday 26th July but all is not lost as a new night is taking over - it's called omo and starts on Friday 1st August. The future of G-A-Y is not clear at the moment but I am sure it will be back because despite ramming my heel into his adam's apple - Jeremy Joseph can't be kept down for long sadly.
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