whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's pictures like this that make my heart that little bit warmer and full

yes 3 of the 4 "Golden Girls" re-united this last weekend to receive an lifetime acheivement award in America. They do look a tad terrahawkish but it all just reminds me of how much they made me laugh as a young mo and how they still have the same effect on me today.

It has been a very lovely weekend, I was working on saturday but managed 2 days in the sunshine after that, I have managed quite a nice tan which I needed to have for America anyway. I stupidly said on sunday that I had not had any hayfever symptoms...cut to me sniffling with itchy eyes! grrr! it is my least favourite of all the fevers!!

I have managed to avoid seeing Big Brother but keep seeing pictures of Dale on the internet and he is rather pleasing on the eye, I must assume that he is a twat until someone tells me different.

I spent sunday morning flicking through the papers, Oh Amy, Amy, Amy - you really are stupid aren't you? Why don't famous people get that if they are recorded doing drugs or singing a racist take on a children's nursery rhyme - it will end up in the wrong hands like the "news of the world" I think you may have alienated a huge amount of your fan base now Amy. You better get in that studio and do something productive soon, I for one have lost all patience and think your apology is bullshit.

Moving onto much nicer famous people - I had the pleasure this weekend of meeting Sir Ian McKellen, I was working at a gay youth event on Saturday and Sir Ian was speaking at the event. He stayed around all day chatting to young people, signing autographs and helping out, It just goes to show that you can be immensely talented and a genuinely nice person, people of lesser talent should take note.

The rumour mill is going into overdrive and not in a good way, apparently our gracious leader has hired divorce lawyer Nicholas Mostyn to start divorce proceedings with Guy Ritchie. I may not be Guy's No.1 fan but boo to divorce!! plus she didn't get a pre-nup apparently, that doesn't sound like my business minded girl, baby david needs new shoes honey!!



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