Almost forgot to inform you all - Mica Paris is a twat!

Yes that late 80's soulstress/what not to wear host (she has a fine nerve presenting that show, she looks like a builder in a dress!!)
She was interviewed for the July issue of "Gay Times" by the out gay rapper Q-Boy and one quote taken from a section of the interview on offensive, hate inciting lyrics from jamaican ragga artists towards gay people
"All cultures and art forms evolve. If gay people would just chill the fuck out and wait then there will be a time when they won't be talking about homophobia"
Well thanks for that insight Mica, She is basically saying that the UK never had a black rights movement and racism barely exists in this country anymore and so eventually neither will homophobia.
The point is Mica darling, that Jamaican artists are not saying that they just want to burn the batty boys in the UK, they are not that specific. Imagine if during Martin Luther King's speech, he was saying "I have a dream" and somequeen at the front said "Oh Dr.King will you just chill the fuck out and wait!"
Yeah Mica everything will be fine, I am going to sit on my hands and wait for things to get better, that's probably the best way to make change. I am also going to sit on my hands til you have another hit....i will die sat on my hands.
All this being said I do have to also say that life could be a lot worse these days, many laws and legislation has been changed to ensure equality for LGBT people and yet the chief executive of Stonewall (the gay lobbying group) did a speech at the Mayor's Pride reception this week that delved into new areas of depression. Making LGBT people sound like we run home crying every night being chased by people with sticks! There campaign that was launched last year should really be turned on themselves - "Stonewall....Some people are gay and now you need to get over it!"

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