i DO feel like dancing!!
Great news pop pickers - Oliver has won 2 tickets to go and see the Scissor Sisters in Trafalgar Square tomorrow night and he is taking lil ole me!! I cant say that i am an obsessive sisters fan but i do love all their songs and face it they are the campest band on the planet - i am strangely attracted to Babydaddy! he is a great big hulk of a man!
Looking back on my blog i dont think i have spent enough time talking about men, Just because i dont have one in my life right now - doesn't mean i cant at least talk about guys that i would quite frankly like "to do" - so starting from today is a regular friday feature -
So the first imaginary man of pippy's boudoir award goes to the simply divine Christopher Meloni. For those of you that dont know he is an american actor who starred in an extraordinarily homoerotic prison series called "Oz" and currently stars in my fave crime series "Law and Order:Special Victims Unit. He is quite simply edible!
As you may have guessed i do go for hulking great men with receeding hair!
Anyway my lovelies, have a gorge weekend and i shall update very soon,
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