whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Back to reality?

Well i know i am a bit slow on the uptake but finally Big Brother is over!! Even though i may have whooped, clapped and screamed at the final night, this is the 1st year that i have not watched it religiously. This has left me in a very strange and eye opening place.

I felt left out of conversations, people kept saying all the housemates catchphrases and i would not have a clue! I am not complaning after all i raised myself to a higher level and stopped watching reality tv. I truly believe that it is killing talent! I remember the days when tv was full of great comedies, tense dramas and the top 40 was full of great acts.

Even when tv is not splattered with reality durge it still aint that good. Staying at my parents this weekend i was almost forced to watch one of their favourite sitcoms "Last of the Summer Wine" - it has to be the most predictable programme ever televised! I am not sure if it still features the same storyline as it used to but the general way it ran was -

3 old blokes (one cheeky, one shy and one brainy) walking down a lane, stopping off for a cup of tea, cheeky man hits on woman behind counter, woman hits him on head with tray, they run out to go and see some old bag, she hits them with a broom, they then come up with a "whacky" idea that involves speeding down a hill on something with wheels, whilst all this is going on some old coffin dodger and his younger (60 yrs old) mistress are getting jiggy in a field. the women of the village (all 3 of them) go out for a cup of tea on a bench and as the 3 men go hurtling past they all tut, the men fly over a wall and land on coffin dodger groping the peroxide bus pass wielder.

laughing yet?

and what the hell is going on with the charts?? the amount of great acts that are dropped just because they dont make the top 5 is ridic!! Poor shayne ward from last years x factor does in fact have talent but they have just given him "middle of the road" bilge to sing. Simon Cowell is a joke, Louis Walsh just goes after the cute boys (not that he is homosexual!) and Sharon Osborne just throws water over anyone who disagrees with her and is shafting a man who is barely alive! what do they know??

Thank god for acts like Madonna, Justin Timberlake, Christina, Beyonce and our very own Jamelia (i predict big things for that brum mum this year!) they are all producing great classic pop music.

Fab indie bands like hard fi, the editors and razorlight who are putting a lil bit of variety in the charts.

So there is hope for talent to shine. i just wish that people who go on big brother could realise that they aint talented and at the end of the day you cant polish a turd. Giving that scrawny, screaming, spolit vile little brat pig nikki her own show is yet another deluded mistake by tv exec's, of course it may be a runaway success and if it is that is exactly what i will be doing - running away! hiding under the duvet and praying that in the next series of big brother they keep the doors locked and throw a serial killer in there



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