whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Depressing Heat Magazine!!

Well viewers, Usually tuesdays are quite good for me, I have pretty much got over the weekend and got into the stream of things at work so taking all that on board i hopped,skipped and jumped to WHSmith at lunch to pick up my copy of Heat Magazine - it may be tittle tattle to a lot of people but i for one love a bit of showbiz gossip.

Today is a different story - my beloved Heat is full of depressing stories, Steve Irwin's memorial service, the awful crash involving Richard Hammond and Grace from BB7 getting beaten up outside G-A-Y (now i know most people think she is an evil cow and indeed on that show she was a nasty piece of work but no one deserves to be a victim of such violence)

The main sad story that Heat reports on is actually good news in my eyes. Pete from BB7 has dumped that screaming freak Nikki. I think i have ranted about her before in my blog but i think she really deserves a second mauling especially now that she has been dumped!

Unfortunately last week i accidentally flicked onto E4 as her show "Princess Nikki" was being transmitted. I watched for a grand total of 5 minutes and i realise that i may be about to make a sweeping statement but i could not care less. The woman is a disgrace! The general idea of the show is that poor little nikki has to do mundane jobs to see if she can last a day in employment and although i know its supposed to be entertainment, i just think its tragic that this kind of "person" is celebrated and that her arrogance, ignorance, rudeness, childishness and vile behaviour is even uttered in the same breath as celebrity and entertainment.

On the particular show that i saw she joined a group of binmen on their daily rounds, So obviously she would have to pick up bin bags and throw them in the lorry, she immediately threw a tantrum and threw herself on some random car and started crying like a small child. When one of her fellow colleagues asked her what was wrong. She screamed in his face and demanded that he take his filthy, common hands off her. At that point i screamed at the tv and turned off.

I am begging you blog viewers, do not watch her show, if she is on any tv programme turn it over, if you see her on the street cross over. I dread her being seen as any kind of role model for young people, now that the cameras are off in the big brother house, lets just pop her back in there and tell her that they are switched on and then she can be a little spoilt twat freak to her hearts content and just in case lets pop her parents in there too before they create another demonic child.

yours rantingly




Blogger George Boole said...

Nice ranting Pippy. But I don't think that those stories in Heat sound depressing at all. Steve Irwin's memorial service looked absolutely hilarious to me. I mean, they spelled out the word "Crikey" in a big floral tribute! I saw it on TV, and I haven't laughed so much for ages. OK so, it's a shame that he died, but at least they had a sense of humour about burying the guy.

5:42 AM  

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