whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Well what a vile bank holiday weekend - weather wise!! Bank holidays are supposed to be for skipping happily through soho, drinking beer and laughing like a nutter in beer gardens and generally topping up the tan. I spent all day yesterday hiding in my flat in the pit (my room) watching way too much "Grey's Anatomy".

Sunday night i went to see Rufus Wainwright at the first of his shows at the Old Vic Theatre. He was sensational!!! I had not had much of an opportunity to listen to his new album before the show but i have to say that once i heard the songs performed live i just fell in love with them. He just brings so much of his character to each track that you are with him all the way. The finale of the show had to be seen to be believed but let me just say it involved Rufus, fire engine red lipstick, black stilettos and his band dancing in tuxedos! yes it was all very judy, judy, judy!!!

Well i have to mention it at some point - yes Big Brother starts this week - last year i managed to give it quite a wide birth thanks to that total bint Nikki but i am actually semi looking forward to this years show, obviously i have no idea who is going into the house but i am sure it will be the usual diverse, intelligent and groundbreaking selection as in previous years. There was a programme on the other night about what happened to the housemates from all the series. It was hilariously deluded television!! Remember Victor from Big Brother 5? He was saying that immedicately after leaving the house he considered himself A-list and was mentioned in the same sentence as Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise!! yeah how did that sentence go? "Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt are great actors and true celebrities but that Victor from Big Brother is a right fat twat!"

Quite a few of the ex housemates were "working on their music" ha ha!! what a joke! does that mean they do saturday work at HMV? Also remember Ahmed, the plate smashing loon from Big Brother 5? he was on this programme and actually said that "if you have not been on tv you dont exist!" no honey - you have been on tv and everyone wishes you didn't exist! he also says that if he leaves the house he still has to wear a disguise - well if i had that face and those teeth i would want to protect the rest of the world from seeing them too!! fugly bastard!

Anyway that starts on wednesday night along with the last episode of "Desperate Housewives" plus it's the British Soap Awards - the actual show took place on saturday - most of the awards were deserved but Antony Cotton was named best actor for playing Sean in Coronation Street, that is such a joke!, he plays himself!, he was the same in Queer as folk and is the same in interviews and regular tv. I know it's not the most prolific awards show going but it should be at least based on talent but then again Mitchell and Webb did win Best Comedy at the BAFTA's over Catherine Tate so maybe the whole world has gone mad and forgot to memo me about it.



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