Real gay icons!
Following on from yesterdays blog i had to write more about supposed gay icons especially since right now there is a demonstration happening outside parliament as the Lords challenge new gay rights legislation. All those people who think that all is good and well in the world of the gays need to think on.
At the moment hotels can refuse to provide rooms for gay couples, printers can refuse to print flyers for gay events and religious groups can refuse to hold civil partnership ceremonies in their halls. The new law would ban discrimination against lesbians and gay men in the provision of goods and services. One of the most important aspects of this new legislation is that it will affect the information and education that schools can provide. The veil of ignorance covering schools in this country is deeply troubling - homophobic bullying goes unchallenged and young lesbian and gay people are leaving school feeling like they dont exist and therefore dont matter.
After looking through that hideous list of gay icons yesterday there needs to be a little revision - the real gay icons in this country are the people who work campaigning and advocating for equal rights everyday, the people who go beyond the call of duty to ensure that needs are heard and met.
10 years ago the monthly cover of gay times used to feature prominent people within the gay community who had made a difference - Lord Waheed Ali (1st openly gay peer), Ellen Degeneres, Peter Tatchell and Chris Smith MP. Since then the face of gay pride has changed and now the cover of gay times features baby oiled barely clothed models - i am not sure what this is supposed to say to me or to young people who deserve to know where they have come from. The fights that were won in order for gay people to live as freely as we do now. Its a sad state of affairs when a faceless model means more to our community than someone who stands up for what they believe in no matter how much they may get shot down.
I believe it's mainly religious groups at the demonstration tonight, I have always found it really difficult to challenge the homophobic views of religion - i think it can get very dangerous - i just hope that these difficulties dont descend into the madness of the religious right in America
Not sure which pages of the bible these quotes are from but i think its safe to say these children all had a bowl of crazy for breakfast probably served by their parents who are no doubt also brother and sister.
On a lighter note - Get Jade Goody out of the Big Brother house she is offensively stupid and even more annoying is the fact that she has probably earned more cash than i will in my life!! A woman who actually asked Jermaine Jackson if he was black!! i give up! I despair for the future of this country if that thing is considered a celebrity. On top of all that she has a really sexy, sadly stupid boyfriend, So i am single and that oxygen thief bags a hottie!! grrr!! check him out!!
Well i cannot believe i have not mentioned my new fave programe yet on this blog, it has been days!!! I am of course talking about "Ugly Betty" - it has everything i would want from friday nights, humour, fashion, bitching!! It started on friday and has been a massive hit in the US so check it out if not only for the fab lil gay nephew
Bye bitches
ps - i am quite infamous amongst my friends for not eating, choosing alcohol over food everytime, so this clipwill give you an idea of what xmas dinner with pippy was like recently - scarily accurate!
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