whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Ring Ring Ring goes the telephone!

Oh dear people! Last night i went out for Oliver's birthday and my phone did a disappearing act and i am well bugged!! You never realise how much you rely on your phone til it's gone! I never wear a watch and used the clock on my phone to know what time it was so now i am wandering round randomly asking people if it's my teatime!

Ah well, On a more positive note i have just ordered my laptop!! i cannot wait, i shall mainly be using it for itunes, email and porn obviously. The logic behind buying it now is that when i am poor and eating beans straight from the tin in January, i can just lock myself away in my flat and get on the download!

I was really annoyed last night partly due to the phone extravaganza but also by a story in the London Lite Newspaper. As if it's not bad enough being accosted 16 times on the way to the train station by a bunch of jobseekers ramming newapapers in yer face but then you take one and its written by someone who could not write their name on a toilet door in their own shit! The headline last night was

"Madge fails to see funny side at comedy awards"

The article then goes on to say that Madonna had a right face on due to Jonathan Ross' dig at her. I doubt the journalist even watched the show, they had a little banter and Madonna got a massive round of applause! Oh and lets not forget her massive diva behaviour of wanting to avoid the paparazzi by entering the awards through a side entrance. My god whatever will she ask for next?? water? a chair? a loo? stay tuned for more pointless innaccurate press from the shit free london papers.


Anyway people its that time of week again - and boy could i do with a bit of man on man action after the week i have had! And who better to trouble me with their purple headed custard chucker than the lovely american actor Chris Evans

Ah thats better

I cant type anymore!!

have joy sprinkled weekends



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