whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Poor Pippy

January is such a buggin month! The joys of xmas and new year are long forgotten and all thats left is an empty bank account and pippy leaping up and down with excitement at finding a 20p piece under the sofa cushion! As i have mentioned before, the cinema is my sanctuary this month and so tonight i am off to see "Flags of our Fathers" - Clint Eastwoods latest directorial outing. I have to see it tonight as its the last night for it at my cinema.

Tonight is also a great night in TV land mainly due to "Desperate Housewives" and sadly i have become addicted to "Soapstar Superstar" so my video is going to be on overdrive tonight.

As i am sure you have heard on the news the goods and services legislation went through last night, This is great news for the gays and equality. A friend of mine was at parliament last night and saw the religious demonstrators all stood there with burning torches and their hoods up - remind you of any other forward thinking movement??

I cant believe it's only wednesday!! this week is dragging horrendously. Roll on February and getting paid and the severe depression to be had from Valentines Day - where i shall find myself running into Pizza Express throwing buckets of pigs blood on happy couples handing each other pink, heart shaped cards.

I have officially given up on Celebrity Big Brother. I have tried to watch it but that bint Jade and her mum (who stinks of racism) are just awful and i dont really like anyone else in there. Sort it out Channel 4 compared to last years work of genius, this one sucks!

Well the gay storyline in "Hollyoaks" is taking shape and i have to admit that its been really well done. The guy at the heart of the storyline is conveying confused heartbreaking isolation very well which i am sure most gay boys have been familiar with on more than one occasion. Ah the plights of unrequited love - definitely something that i am not a stranger to. I hark back to "The Holiday" - Kate Winslet's character seems to be an expert on such feelings and i spent most of the film shouting "you go girl!" and "whoop whoop" everytime she had a revelation.

I am now in the process of setting up a myspace page but i am taking my time over it, I will let you know when i unleash that bad boy!!



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