Are you ready to jump?
Hey homie's and homo's!!
What a week!! and its only friggin wednesday!! I have been off on my travels this week, Went to Nottingham on monday night as i was doing some training there yesterday. I had been put up in the worst hotel ever!! bang opposite loads of bars full of loud, annoying students - usually i would have been out there with them, drinking like a fish and persuading all the drunk straight boys to consider a whole new way of life but i needed my sleep!
My day in Nottingham was quite fun, i had a rather lovely boy on my training course who kept me entertained throughout the day. I was quite conniving and always made sure that he had to write on the flip chart solely for the fact that when he crouched down i could see his pants! oh dear god!! someone help me, Now i am coming up with action plans for my perving - Can someone please send me a boyfriend or a life?
On a more superficial celeb news front - Madonna's new video is airing tonight on channel 4 at 11ish. her new single is called "Jump" and in my opinion is pretty much the perfect pop song. I am sure the video will be another spell of genius from our gracious leader. Full review tomorrow!!
Not a huge amount more to report, Love and kisses to the beautiful Emma who is off on maternity leave at the end of the week, I miss her dearly and cant wait to see her next month with a whole new person in her house!!!! Everyone is growing up!! except me of course, i seem to try and throw a little bit of responsibility away on a daily basis, one day someone will surely find it and ram it all back in my face, but until then i shall just keep dancing!!
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