What a hideous week!!
I am sorry for the lack of blogging this week people but i have been seriously run down!! started with a stomach ache, then took a turn into a sore throat and now i am al bunged up and not in a good way!! If i see one more daytime tv advert asking me to call 0800 blah blah blah i will throw my tv off the balcony! The best of the worst adverts has to be Glenhill Insurance - they have used their own staff which is always a huge mistake! they all look into the camera like extras from "shaun of the dead"
So the girl that thought indie was new has been thrown out of the Big Brother house for using the "N" word - well good quite frankly - that is just one of those words that should never ever be used. How thick did she have to be after knowing all that went on with the last Celeb big bro! Apparently 2 more people are going in tonight and one of them is a flaming homo so that should break down the stereotypes and open up a well thought out dialogue in the media.
So Paris is free of sorts, She has been released from prison for medical reasons, were the crabs starting to itch perhaps? She is now under house arrest - oh poor thing! Can you imagine what Paris Hiltons house is actually like. My god i doubt i would ever want to leave. Paris took offence to American Comedienne Sarah Silvermans joke that they should remove the bars from her cell and replace them with penises to make her feel more at home! i thought it was genius but Paris obviously didn't like the gag! ya get me?
I totally missed the 10 year anniversary of my coming out - it was in April of 2003!! Well this weekend my friend Oliver is celebrating his 10 years and so we are off for a big night out in Soho tomorrow, Should be lots of fun!! I am sure at some point i will have to restrain the drinking as i am catching a train to Sheffield on sunday morning for a couple of days of work but hey i can always sleep and vomit on the train, thats always attractive! I will also need to prepare for the onslaught of orange skin and mullets - the overall make up of the sheffield gay scene.
Right it's time for a little rant now, a very delayed rant! About 2 years ago i was in Sheffield and for those that don't know i suffer from Asthma. I was staying at my friend Emma's house, she has a cat which usually triggers off my asthma, i guess the smoking didnt help much either. Anyway i had stupidly forgotten my inhaler and woke up having a massive asthma attack, luckily there was a pharmacy down the street so i sent Emma to get me an inhaler, the staff said they needed to see me - by this point i could not really breathe past my tonsils and the way it goes is that the more you cant breathe, the more you panic and the more you panic the more you cant breathe. So i staggered down to the pharmacy - by this time i could not speak. Anyway basically there is a stupid law? in this country that even if a person is having a full on astham attack and basically cannot get oyxgen in to their body, there is nothing a pharmacist can do without permission from the patients doctor. Luckily Emma knew someone across town who had an inhaler otherwise i might have just died. Just thought i would let you know how stupid certain aspects of life are.
I have just been introduced to Facebook! I tried to come to terms with myspace but it just really bugged me and i didnt really want to be associated with anything that had enabled Lily Allen to have a voice in this world but facebook is just lovely! you can spend hours just wading through people's friends feeling slightly sad that they have more than you or that you have not been introduced to half of them leading to a heartbreaking "do i smell?" frame of mind but all in all its lovely to see who is on there.
With my lovely bank charge cash back i have been buying some lovely music - bought the new Beveraly Knight album last weekend but only just got chance to llisten to it and it is great. Real old school soul!! Also bought Mutya Buena's debut and that is pretty good but if you are just going to buy it to hear the Amy Winehouse duet then dont - they recorded it seperately and you cant even tell when Amy is singing!
Every so often this boudoir gets quite random and for the last few weeks i have totally spoilt you with some total hottie's so now its my turn to exercise my love of the slightly older, balder man. He is, for some, a bit of a gay pin up and for others he is quite repulsive. Its that big beefy macho man Ross Kemp, i can just imagine resting my weary head on his rather ample bosom.

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