whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

At long last I have heard the new Madonna single - "4 minutes to save the world" and on first listen I have to admit I was slightly hesitant but after listening to it relentlessly I am now officially loving it!! It is being played on radio constantly, I am so dying to hear it in a club now!! I shall be dropping some seriously hot (deluded) moves.

The cover art for her new album has also just come out and yet again, girl looks fierce!!

At the weekend i saw her acceptance speech for her induction to the US Rock and Roll hall of Fame and I have to say I think it's the best speech i have ever seen her do, very very funny! My favourite line comes from when she is talking about meeting A & R Man Michael Rosenblatt in a club in New York

"I jammed my demo tape into his hand, we dropped a tab of ecstasy and danced the night away"

That's my girl!!

Why is Heather Mills such an annoying c*nt? The girl gets £24.3 million in her divorce settlement and still finds stuff to bang on about, she really is all shades of crazy - i just want to take her leg off and beat her with it - i don't care what they say! she aint nothing but a gold digger cos she aint messing with no broke singer!! Now she is worried that her daughter won't have enough cash and will have to fly B-class - what the fuck is B class?? This woman has her own secret language, i know she is from Geordie land but this is taking the piss.

How glad am I that easter is around the corner?? not because i am particularly religious or even that much of a fan of chocolate but mainly because I get to have a long weekend and have lots of fun with my friends. I got my girl Miss Dan Jackson (if ya nasty) coming to stay with me and we are going to just go for it. Party, Party, Party!!!

Lets just hope the week goes quickly



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