I just get so angry at the Westboro Baptist Church and i know it's a waste of time because they are just going to do what they do but i have to get this off my chest - they are such a bunch of c*nts! They picketed The Screen Actors Guild Awards in Hollywood the other day, chanting "Heath is in Hell". At the awards actor Daniel Day Lewis paid tribute to Heath Ledgers career and in particular his performances in Monsters Ball and Brokeback Mountain.
Thankfully the Ledger family managed to keep secret the location of his private memorial service in Los Angeles and his funeral in Australia so those hate mongering fuckwits can't spread their venomous evil at a time of mourning. Yesterday the deluded coffin dodging leader of this "church" aka "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" released this statement to Heath Ledger's family
"For misguided reasons you are hiding the body of Heath Ledger, and refusing to divulge the time, date, and place of his burial in Perth, Australia, so that we at Westboro Baptist Church cannot attend - in respectful proximity - and conduct a religious service.
"You owe it to the youth of the world, whom Heath misled via Brokeback Mountain, into believing it was OK to be gay.
"I say, you owe it to the youth of the world to use Heath's funeral to correct that lie. It's NOT OK to be gay.
"It is a great sin against God. It will destroy the life and damn the soul.
"All those whom Heath misled will arrive ultimately in Hell, and they will curse Heath to his face throughout all eternity.
"Please tell us the time, date, and place of Heath's funeral in Australia. Thank you."
I can just see the Ledger family reading this and saying "what a lovely man lets open the doors to him, good luck to him and his family" - whatever!! I believe that last year a person driving past one of their funeral protests swerved their car to hit them, not sure if the driver succeeded in their quest but i have one piece of advice - if at first you don't succeed put it in reverse and try again!
On a more positive note i am being taken out tonight for dinner by a rather lovely man, I am not saying anymore than that, i think i have given enough personal stuff out on this blog recently but i am looking forward to having good food and conversation after my session tonight.
The sessions with my emotional stylist are going well but i still have down days, one of which happened yesterday, cant explain it but i just felt shitty and wanted to hide under my desk, i guess this is just going to happen but its not the best feeling in the world but at least i can talk it all out tonight.
hope to be smiley tomorrow
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