whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Lily Allen is a c**t

Oh Lily, Lily, Lily how i loathe you so! I had the distinct displeasure of hearing the whole of her debut album this week and frankly her voise is shocking, she sounds like a child with a sore throat choking on a strepsil. She keeps banging on about her famous dad whose biggest role so far has been playing a corpse in shallow grave - hold back on the baftas!. Also she has the nerve to say that Madonna is overrated! People have been saying that Lily's debut album is the best thing since bread came sliced - its got 2 cover versions on it!! not even old covers - kaiser chiefs and the kooks! sort it out girl and lets hope that the difficult 2nd album never rears its ugly head.

So Huge Grant has been arrested for throwing a tin of beans at a paparazzi guy. I know that most of the time these guys are just doing their jobs but the way they go about it is truly shocking, Seeing clips on youtube of people like Victoria Beckham, Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Simpson looking quite petrified to be surrounded but 20 - 30 photographers screaming at them, it's quite horrific. I am not saying that anyone deserves violence but sometimes its better to back off.

There was a distinct smoky smell in soho last night, it turned out that "New Look" on Oxford Street had flames pouring out of the windows, thankfully no one was injured but the stock is ruined - £4.50 worth of damage, its a sad, sad day for polyester wearers!

I think this weekend is going to be rather hectic, there are plans everywhere and loads of people doing loads of things, how i shall fit it all in is a mystery. I can't wait for tonight - its been ages since i went out dancing and there is a great little posse coming out with me too.

This guy has not been in many films that i know of recently, I last saw him wet, topless and angry in Britney Spears "Everytime" video. He is quite simply fit and gorgeous and does not seem to like wearing shirts which is fine by me. It's the lovely Stephen Dorff!!

Well my lovelies its time to sign off for another week, next week is jam packed with all kinds of fun and next fridays boudoir is a tribute!! I am going to select my top 5 hotties from boudoirs gone by but with hotter pics!! Dont for a second think that i have run out of men, i aint that picky!!

Enjoy the sun


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