whats it all about? i dont give a crap!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The love of my life throughout the 90's was Robbie Williams, I loved his cheeky ways, his body was always in pretty good shape and i did actually quite like his music. I didn't really get his last album, think he had probably heard the word "experimentation" at a party and gone a bit overboard. Hedre are a few pics of the Robbie that I once loved

However, now that Take That are back, better and some might say hotter than ever, Robbie seems to have slipped off the radar and into Krispy Kreme, Honey get down the gym and sort it out, The UK needs a showman like you, Don't leave us here with James Blunt!! Just buy a shirt that fits or get down fat fighters!

I generally love Joan Rivers, yes she looks like a rather battered tupperware set and all her jokes are old enough that one wonderrs if she wrote them on the Shroud of Turin but occassionally she does something that makes me cry with laughter. Yesterday Ms Rivers was on the high brow culture show for feminists - "Loose Women" which is filmed live, she took this opportunity to describe Russell Crowe as a "piece of fucking shit" - I cannot stop watching it!


She was strangely absent after the commercial break - Go on Joan!!

Sad gay news - Matt Lucas and Kevin McGee are the 1st celebrity gay couple to end their civil partnership after 18 months. Oh boo!! I did on occassion want to shout "Mismatch!" but I am a better person than that as well you all know.

Anyway my darlings that's it for now - tomorrow I fly to New York for 5 days and then am off to Miami til the 30th, I shall of course return with stories galore!

Have fun


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Oh Wikipedia - how can I be expected to rely on you?

We keep having debates in the office about transgender people, I went on some transgender training last year and am now seen as the oracle of Trans life. I typed transgender into Wikipedia and the site had a section titled "List Of Transgender People" - it really is quite enlightening but for all the wrong reasons according to Wikipedia the following celebs have gone through gender re-assignment surgery

Paul O'Grady, RuPaul, the artist Grayson Perry and Danny La Rue

Let's have a look at these trans women shall we?

Oh to be so beautiful!!


Well I have finally succumbed to the fact that I am getting older and things are changing. Over the last few months I have occassionally found my self straining to read things - departure boards at train stations being the main thing. It may well all stem from when I was very young, I had a slight twitch in my eye that made me go cross eyed and so had treatment to correct it but sometimes since then if my eyes are focused on something i kinda turn away, but my eyes move slightly slower and i twitch back.

Anyways it turns out that my local opticians are doing half price eye tests so after I get back from my holiday I am going to get my eyes tested for the 1st time in a long time. I think I may well suit glasses which might be a good job as I have that squeamish thing when it comes to touching my eyes, not sure I could cope with contact lenses. Anyways all will be revealed on the 2nd July.

So Ulrika Jonsson has named her new little baby boy Malcolm and there are pictures all over Hello magazine. The best caption on one news website says "And baby makes six: Ulrika Jonsson and her current husband Brian Monet with (from left) Bo, newborn Malcolm, Martha and Cameron" - ha ha current husband, best husband so far, future divorcee - they know her too well.

From 5pm yesterday gay couples in California could get married. The sweetest story is that of lesbian couple Phyllis Lyon (79) and Del Martin (83) who have been together for 50 years and finally had their relationship legally recognised yesterday, Ah ye olde lesbian love!

After my holiday I think I am going to treat myself to some new music, I am gagging to get the Ting Tings album, Alphabeat, MGMT, Hercules and the Love Affair and The Last Shadow Puppets, Plus the new Cyndi Lauper album is supposed to be amazing. I also have to buy my guilty pleasure - the 5th series of Law and Order:Special Victims Unit starring the rather lovely Christopher Meloni and the fab Mariska Hargitay (it's worth getting just to see how many times she says an exaggerated "Son of a Bitch" each episode)

Last night I had a night in with some dvd's - I watched "Prime" again, It's such a sweet little film and the leading man - Bryan Greenberg really is just adorable.

I also finally got round to watching "Flightplan" starring Jodie Foster, Now I usually love Ms Foster - she was amazing in taxi driver, the accused, silence of the lambs but lately her films have been a bit pants. I kinda enjoyed Flightplan but I did have to suspend disbelief really and it was all a bit dull really.

I then watched "Hitch" starring Will Smith, Kevin James and Eva Mendes, I did enjoy it, Will Smith looked great and Jevin James was very funny but the character played by Eva Mendes was a hateful, nasty bitch who just needed pushing down the stairs. I really wanted her to be single and crying at the end but alas no.

Back tomorrow for my last blog before hitting NYC!!!!


Monday, June 16, 2008

hi ho's

how the buggery are ya?

Apologies for the delay in writing but sometimes pippy needs a break! Life is all good at the moment. Had a rather marvellous weekend, My darling mother came to see me (i think she is worried that i am going to get blown up in New York) and we had aq lovely Saturday discovering the many joys of Borough market - how I have lived in this city for 6 years and never made it there I do not know. It is so cool, the smells from all the different food stalls is immense!

After that we strolled along the South Bank and then headed back up to Angel for a gorge lunch in Strada and a nice drink outside my local pub. Twas lovely to see her and have a catch up, usually she comes down with my dad but it was nice to just spend time with her, it feels easier to talk about boys and gay stuff without papa around.

Saturday night i headed west to Oliver's to plan the holiday and drink cosmo's galore. I am getting very excited now!!! The code word for our time in New York is "classy" - we are going to be glamorous and European, In Miami however the code word is "oi bar tender - momma's dry!!" I just can't wait!! Although I am missing a certain someone rather badly so am also looking forward to a lovely evening out on the 30th.

Exciting news!! I am off to see Kylie Minogue in Manchester on the 12th July....for free!! The lovely Rachel has blagged tickets and we are to see the lil pop princess. I have seen a few clips on youtube and the show looks great, The show will of course be followed by a night on Canal Street so yay to that!!!

So George Bush is in London on his farewell tour (think i would prefer Cher's farewell tour to be honest), 2500 Protesters gathered in Parliament Square yesterday - a total of 25 people were arrested including a 60 year old woman who police took away after she indecently exposed herself!! Good lord woman - I imagine she heard someone shouting "Bush Bush" and willingly obliged.

The weekend after I get back from my holiday it is London Pride, Ken Livingstone used to lead the parade in his role as Mayor of London but this year Boris Johnson (or BoJo the Clown as I have started calling him) will be heading up proceedings, It will be interesting to see the reception he gets. I imagine heels will be flying, failing that, he will probably end up with tyre marks on his back after being mowed down by Dykes on Bikes! A few days before Pride I should hopefully be attending the Mayor's Pride Reception at City Hall, I just hope I don't get drunk and make a twat of myself, I usually just sit with the gay youth work mafia and people spot, however, this year there may be a more appealing distraction.....


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's pictures like this that make my heart that little bit warmer and full

yes 3 of the 4 "Golden Girls" re-united this last weekend to receive an lifetime acheivement award in America. They do look a tad terrahawkish but it all just reminds me of how much they made me laugh as a young mo and how they still have the same effect on me today.

It has been a very lovely weekend, I was working on saturday but managed 2 days in the sunshine after that, I have managed quite a nice tan which I needed to have for America anyway. I stupidly said on sunday that I had not had any hayfever symptoms...cut to me sniffling with itchy eyes! grrr! it is my least favourite of all the fevers!!

I have managed to avoid seeing Big Brother but keep seeing pictures of Dale on the internet and he is rather pleasing on the eye, I must assume that he is a twat until someone tells me different.

I spent sunday morning flicking through the papers, Oh Amy, Amy, Amy - you really are stupid aren't you? Why don't famous people get that if they are recorded doing drugs or singing a racist take on a children's nursery rhyme - it will end up in the wrong hands like the "news of the world" I think you may have alienated a huge amount of your fan base now Amy. You better get in that studio and do something productive soon, I for one have lost all patience and think your apology is bullshit.

Moving onto much nicer famous people - I had the pleasure this weekend of meeting Sir Ian McKellen, I was working at a gay youth event on Saturday and Sir Ian was speaking at the event. He stayed around all day chatting to young people, signing autographs and helping out, It just goes to show that you can be immensely talented and a genuinely nice person, people of lesser talent should take note.

The rumour mill is going into overdrive and not in a good way, apparently our gracious leader has hired divorce lawyer Nicholas Mostyn to start divorce proceedings with Guy Ritchie. I may not be Guy's No.1 fan but boo to divorce!! plus she didn't get a pre-nup apparently, that doesn't sound like my business minded girl, baby david needs new shoes honey!!


Friday, June 06, 2008

OK so maybe there is one reason to watch Big Brother this year


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

So that evil stupid bint from Big Brother Charley Uchea (who has frankly had her 15 minutes of fame and is now just taking the piss) is embarking on a "singing" career. She has said this week that this time next year she might be the new Mariah Carey. Listen love the only way you are going to get me to believe that is if I was marooned on a desert island and ate a poisonous berry or nut which made me temporarily deaf, dumb, blind, stupid and forgetful. If i looked up the word "deluded" in the dictionary this is the picture that would be beside the word

yes it's you Charley, you vacuous,pointless ballbag!

This year's Big Brother starts tomorrow so yet again we have to endure weeks and weeks of stupid people hoping and praying for a career from living in a house and being annoying, self centred, thick and over the top. I am STILL not watching TV but am guaranteed a daily update by the water cooler. People always look at me like I am from Doncaster when I say I don't watch TV but I guarantee in a few weeks I will most definitely be glad for it.

I met up with the lovely Richard last night to say farewell for a few weeks as we are both off on different holidays. To keep me going whilst he is away he has been a total love and done me a dvd of Madonna's Like a Virgin and Who's That Girl Tours - ah early Madonna at her slightly pudgy best. He also did me the great favour of copying one of my fave 80's albums - the soundtrack to the TV series "Fame" - I used to have this on record when i was young, I also had a "Fame" t shirt which would explain the excessive bullying in my early years, It had fame written on it in red glitter! loved it!!! I woke up this morning and slapped it on my stereo and have to say it is THE best way to start the day, Ah Hi-Fidelity!!!

Yes as I just mentioned I am off on holiday, thanks to Oliver's excellent planning/organising skills (cheers hon) we are off to New York and Miami in a couple of weeks!!! 5 days in NYC, 5 days in Miami!! I am shaking with excitement (and alcohol withdrawal symptoms) - This will be my first ever trip to America and I cannot believe I am going. I never had very many exciting holidays as a young lad as we didn't really have that much cash and since becoming one of those adult things - I have been on mainly beachy type holidays. I never dreamed I would make it to New York but I am going!!!! and then Miami, yes we are going from Sex and the City to the Golden Girls, all in the space of 10 days.

I get back in the early hours of the 30th June and then only have a few days before London Gay Pride - I am in a walking group this year with samba drummers but I will have only a few days to decide what to wear - let the trauma begin, maybe new york will hide the secret to my ensemble!


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Are we sluts?

This is actually the title of an episode of "Sex and the City" - I will of course be going into detail about the new movie shortly but first I need to talk gay. This weekend I bought the new issue of "Attitude" magazine and there was an article on gay men and monogamy. The main reason for this article appearing at this time is due to Pete Burns ending his civil partnership with Michael Simpson after 10 months. Burns did an interview shortly after the split with the "Mail on Sunday" and was quoted as saying

"I view marriage as a sacred institution. I think 2 men are naturally predators, gay relationships are a commercial break not a whole movie"

The article in Attitude then goes on to give 2 journalists the chance to debate "Can gay men be monogamous?" - Simon Gage argues that gay men should create their own ways of being together and not simply mimic the world of the heterosexual.

I could not agree more with this point but I don't think it has to mean we stay away from meaningful relationships with a sense of commitment. He goes on to say that "men need 3 things - cock, food and different cock. Oh dear I could not agree less - I am a man and I need moisturiser and madonna to name just 2!

Philip Hensher provides the argument for monogamy and makes some very valid points. I have to say I have no problem with gay guys that are not monogamous, it's up to us what we do but I do get sick of people and the media making sweeping statements about gay men's lives, about my life.

Hensher states "I could never be bothered to be anything but monogamous because, frankly, going from pick up to pick up is the sexual equivalent of being trapped in a life of endless party small talk, where you're always having to show bright interest and explain rudimentary facts about yourself, and never getting to say anything interesting or hear anything interesting".

There don't seem to be any grounded rules in starting or maintaining gay relationships, We don't have the religious vows that married couples have or necessarily the pressure from family and friends to settle down. We in fact have a blank canvas that involves creativity, patience and vision. Taking into account the past, enjoying the present and tentatively contemplating the future.

Pete Burns is not the only loon mouthing off about the gays. Veteran fashion model Lauren Hutton has been kicking off about the effect "Sex and the City" has had on women, stating that the show has created the untrue myth that it's natural for women to be promiscuous and who does she blame?

"It's written by guys, who happen to be gay, who are sluts, that's what I think"

I assumed that Ms Hutton would have had to have seen quite a few episodes to have made such an informed decision, how many episodes has she seen then? None.

Moving on

Last night I had a much needed night in and watched some dvd's that my folks had sent me, I quite like a good disaster movie so when I opened up the parcel to find both parts of "Flood" - I got quite excited. For those not in the know this film was released last year starring Robert Carlyle and Joanne Whalley, the idea - a massive storm hits scotland and works its way down the east coast and manages to get through the Thames Flood Barrier. I did quite enjoy it, some of the effects were fantastic and the dramatic scenes of the deputy prime minister and the police commissioner trying to work out how to evacuate central London in the space of 2 hours were really interesting but with any disaster type affair you do get those people who are just stupid.

The worker at the flood barrier who seems to think that opening a door immediately after a flood is a good idea, the dippy girls who sit in the back of a taxi whilst people are running past them screaming and being loaded onto army trucks, Robert Carlyle and his ex wife jumping off the flood barrier and managing to stick together through a massive current, Carlyle also appears to have become a fish, he can swim underwater for over half an hour!!! amazing! you then see army guys and police going round in boats with guns "quick fire at that wave!", there is a big panic about evacuating the kids from the schools - at 6pm? Great quote from the police commissioner "the longer we leave it to tell the people, the more people will die" - no! really?, Also the dopey father and daughter who decide to take refuge in a stairwell of a car park, good plan - under no circumstances during a flood must you head to the highest point of the building! Meanwhile whilst all these stupid people are running around screaming, a tumbleweed tumbles through the corridors of the gherkin. Oh and of course there has to be the touching family reunion - at the start of the film you see a woman in Scotland desperately trying to get out of her skylight as her house is flooding rapidly by the end of the film she has managed to get off the top of her house, get to London and has found her son and daughter who have also been having lots of flood dramas - oh purrrrlease!!

Now onto the most important issue - I got to see "Sex and the City - The Movie" - oh it was everything I wanted and more, A lot darker than the TV series, the fashion is quite overwhelming really, I, along with others in the cinema, audibly gasped at times. Certain cast members have aged better than others - Steve and Smith are looking particularly bad, Acting wise, Kristin Davis as Charlotte and Cynthia Nixon as Miranda really steal the show particularly Charlotte who used to be my least favourite for being too twee but she has balls in this movie!! I laughed, I cried (7 times) and I cheered. If you loved the show go and see it immediately, you will leave the cinema with your faith in life and love restored, either that or a desperate craving for heels!!
